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I'm just asking for analytics sake. I've got commissions to focus on, but I like to work on something for myself as well. I just don't know what to focus on. I have the time to do something, I just get stuck without a direction. 

1. Keep working on the Batman: Bloom idea a bit. 

2. Finish that Ladybug vs Cougar comic

3. Rocky Rhodes, the Bully comics. Generic sexy stud fucks his way out of trouble, humiliating other boys, and doing their moms. 

4. Mark Half-Dwarf. I don't really like Key as a foil, so I'd introduce a Lawful-Good boy named Day, or De'Said or something, who will be a paladin type, and after Cadence's heart. She doesn't mind Day, but she prefers being a single-girl, and hooking up with Mark. 


Columba of Tiberius

They all sound good, but I voted Batman: Bloom because the one page is not enough! I need to see more!


Personally I say finish Ladybug first then Bloom.

Master Dragon

Bloom sounds like a good concept. Sides kinda see least one panel that has maybe some of the female villians( female copper head, harley, catwoman ect) getting it on with some cops. Maybe cameo livewire or some other dc bad gal.


I want only Mark's Universe in your works