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I have three NSFW things I need to finish that I've been dragging my feet about just because I don't have the energy right now. I do have the energy to draw, I just don't have the energy for hardcore smut right now. Maybe I've hit the wall, bros. Maybe I'm all dried up, used up, washed up, and hung up. Maybe I should cut my dick off and move to China so I can become a court-official there, like the eunuchs. 

I gotta finish these three NSFW things before I take anymore NSFW commissions, but if I can pepper in some SFW shit between them, that could grease the wheels. 

Does anyone want to commissions SFW-ish or softcore stuff from me right now? I can try to do sexy/cute pin-ups, male or female, with nudity. That's all fine. I'd like to try and get out of my wheelhouse a bit, and draw something 'cool' or 'scary' or 'gross,' if anyone wants anything like that. Superhero fan-art, anime fan-art, video-game fan-art. I'm down. 

It's "name your own price," because I don't give a shit. Maybe you only have $10, and you really want me to draw a Warhammer character, and maybe I do to, and $10 is enough to trigger me into doing something for fun that *should* cost $100. I will always draw ENOUGH to match your payment, and sometimes I will draw MORE, but this is my whim. 





Have to ask, do you still do those 35$ comm things or was it a one-shot thing?


I will. These are "name you're own price," so you could ask for a character, and pay me $35.


I still have a commission pending from the last time you opened it

Master Dragon

I might be down for some pinups. I'll email you later. Hope your new years rocked!


You're one of three NSFWs I need to finish. I just need to work on some SFW to get my momentum back.


I am up for a comic (and several), but... It had to be **January** after the most stressful post-mid-Pandemics, Mark??! Agghhh, agggh, my wallet screams in the Force :D Still, super-eager to commission from you :) (Let's try to clench some numbers down...)


Can you remind me which commission was yours, actually. I'm starting to think I may have conflated it with another similar request from a different client. I don't have them listed by the Patreon names.