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I actually started this one a million years ago, but I finished it now because I'm still not feeling 100%, and this was easier than starting a new sketch. Also, I think I'm going to revisit Cadence for a bit. I have ideas which really focus on her as the protagonist, some of which used Mark or Key as a foil. Mark is the 'winner' and Key is the 'loser,' so I just switch them out depending on which trope I want. 



Columba of Tiberius

Cadence as Protagonist is kind of weird after all this time with Mark... but it makes sense. Mark te Barbarian is great, but he's kinda just a wandering himbo. Cadence has an evil mother out to kill her and a destiny as the reincarnation of a god. She's probably more likely to progress the main questline.


Totally, BUT, I suck about maintaining any actual plot. I'm mostly only interested in her as generic 'magical princess' trope, with which I can make whatever jokes I want.


I am in favour of focusing on Cadence for a while. She's great.


Key is the Lawful Good Goodest boy tailing after a party of Chaotic Neutrals. I love him and he is my favorite character of yours.


It's almost weird to see Cadence get some action, but a cool change up.


The Cadence / Mark / Key trio is so good, winner Mark fucking Cadence and loser Key watching the whole thing is hot af. Also orc cuckold best cuckold.


I m glad to see another adventure of my favorites characters from you . i think about to not forget the character of Briar the witch, for me she is also the most dark character of the quatuor. And this is make me think : Have you ever draw a Mark/Briar fucking ? i dont remember that. Also i think it is a good thing for you to take old ideas , i dont kow where you find all of this ideas ! Make your brain sleep a moment ^^


It would be nice to see them go head-to-head. Which one ends up domming the other?