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Happy Thanksgiving! I may be taking a couple days off here (although I'm forcing myself to finish one thing because of timing), just to recharge a bit. I feel like my art just *sucks* right now, and I know that's my general anxiety projecting itself onto the only thing I really have control over, my art. I've been in this mood before, and it passes. I just need to be patient, get some actual exercise, and do some meditation afterwards. 

At some point, I need to draw a female version of Darkseid, though. Darkseid from Superman, as a female. I thought it would be funny if a couple of the Female Furies were with her a 'Femboy Furies,' because that's exactly my humor. Which are your favorites? 



Lashina would make a pretty good femboy methinks. Mad Harriet could also be good as like an ambush trap.


I think the only one I'd be uninspired by is Stompa, just because I can't find a fat femboy attractive. It's fit, or nothing. I'd probably take the coward's way out and just make him a muscular femboy.

That black guy

I've always had an idea for Harriet but it's pretty fucked up and dark


Femboi's... I don't care which, i'm IN!!! (Shame you didn't include their old leader/captain Big Barda... you had built in gender bent Mr Miracle .... or femboi Mr. Miracle)