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I guess I want to try and start a Discord, just to try something new. Twitter is fun for doom-scrolling and shit-posting, but I don't engage on it. Does anyone here have any simple tips for getting started with this, or can you even explain what Discord is for? I get vague answers like 'channels' and 'hang out,' but those words don't mean anything to me. 



Hell yeah I'd join immediately


Discord is mostly a place to hang out with friends, followers, or people from like-minded communities. Channels are basically like tabs from an internet browser that owners can mess around with and sort of set basic rules on what is discussed or posted there, like making a channel dedicated to futanari art or a channel to gay / yaoi / femboy art.


I'd be able to walk you through the creation of servers, channels, roles etc if you'd like Marky. But my first recommendation is to set up a channel for announcements where you can post what you are doing, if commissions are open etc, then at least a General Text channel and a NSFW positing channel where you can post your stuff (and one for your fans to just throw whatever), then if you want add a Voice channel where people can chill and get to know each other....Starts this small will allow you to see 'via requests' what people would like and then decide if you want to expand/create new channels for such things (such as political channels, gaming channels, streaming only channels etc)


Ah yes another place to shitpost memes, maybe pornmemes now. And soon think... a Marky drawing Stream where we can watch them have a panic attack whilst in front of an audience.


I’m in the same boat as you, I kind of have the basic idea of discord but I have no idea how to do anything. If you make a discord channel though, I would love to join it.


Clearly I want to be in so i could talk to one of the greatest smut artist


@Mark its pretty intuitive, you can figure most of it out on the fly and if you get stuck you can type in exactly what you are having issues with into YouTube and find videos on it. I think it would be great if you did a Discord!


One of the more important thing is the fact that most people in this discord are going to be there to see what you have to say or to talk to you about things (porn games or shows) and not just another place to post your artwork so if you feel like you can be active in discord and talk with people then the rest is the equivalent of just tidying up the room also get yourself some good moderator (and personally I would advise to make a rule to not talk politics but that is up to you) an advice I think you might find useful is to start by just having an account and following other porn artist channels on discord before and during making your own channel


Its like skype with more features and anonymity


Sounds like a fantastic idea!

Alex Woll

I know I’m late responding to this but generally most of the discord’s I’m in we just talk about random stuff, post memes and porn.