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I'm sorry if last month felt unproductive. It isn't just that Feb is shorter than other months, I just seem to get less done. I'm not burnt-out or depressed, I just feel uncommitted and kinda aloof. BUT, the only way to get up and get going is to just get up and get going. WARHAMMER! I love it. What a cool franchise. Very excited for TWW3, but until then, what faction would you like to see some stuff of? 



Some Tzeentch stuff would be kinda cool since it can go either way pic-wise (Tzeentch girls dominating with magic power, Tzeentch girls or boys getting bullied by the meatier factions, etc...)


For some reason I've always seen Tzeentch as the strongest faction in the lore, just because what he represents ('Change') is most constant concept in the universe. Nurgle only exists as long as there is something in existence to decay, Khorne's violence can't exist in a void, and Slanaash is usually decribed as being the youngest of the gods. In 40K, Slanaash's birth plays a huge part in the lore.

John Smith

Mark what do you think about Warhammer coming to Magic the Gathering?


Ooooooooaf . . . I hate it. It's only happening because Wizards got taken over by the same money-grubbing assholes who took over the video-game industry, which is why products are so overhyped and under-finished these days. Hype product! Push product! Cross promote product! Power-creep? MORE PRODUCT! I HATE that this is happening, because in a couple years Magic simply isn't going to have an identity anymore, it'll just be a function. Furthermore, they're not even doing Classic Old World Warhammer, even though that would make sense. They're doing Warhammer 40K, JUST BECAUSE IT SELLS MORE PRODUCT! It's just about keeping those stonks up, baby! Late-stage capitilism is using autistic nerds like us for stonks! And we let them! Because we're pathetic shits who deserve NOTHING! We ask for EVERYTHING, but we deserve NOTHING!