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Spoiler Warning!!!!

Okay, so, I totally missed this the first time I watched it, because I guess I thought that Steve actually transfigured into his body, but he didn't, we just see Chris Pine through Wonder Woman's eyes, and he's always in this other body. 

Wonder Woman as sex with that body. 

This idea is actually quite explored in science-fiction, (Altered Carbon) but I don't think Patty Jenkins did this intentionally. I don't think she ever interpreted it as rape, which seems like an oversight, but obviously I'm not judging, I'm just amused. This seems like a really weird idea to 'inspire' in young feminists, or whatever. 

Do people not 'edit' anymore? I'm a strong believer that art by committee is soulless, but editors aren't soulless, they're kinda really necessary at a professional level. 

Thoughts? Was this just some big dumb oversight by Patty Jenkins and EVERYONE, or am I reading too much into it. 

I'm not though, she fucked that body. 



Sleepy Dave

Jheri Curls.... Okay, that was pretty funny

That black guy

the movie definitely had some weird issues, I saw someone bring this up and yeah kind of wish they went with my idea for reviving Steve instead (and not because "It's my idea so it's better" but because it'd avoid this ) of Hades sending Steve to help her as his champion but also letting Steve know he has to sacrifice himself again to complete his mission, giving Diana the tragic moment of losing him again and showing she's not alone in terms of Gods.


I wish that they had actually worked in some gods. Dolos got a name-drop, but that was it. Some (any) of the Greek stuff would actually give the world some substance. Otherwise, the reality in WW feels really discombobulated and dreamlike.

John Smith

Yeah what is the point of killing off all the Greek Gods at the start of the Universe? Like really closes so many story angles for WW its absurd.


I am pretty sure it was completely on purpose and I really liked it. It comes down to how you look at it. Up until that point Diana was all, 'helping others', 'my own feelings don't matter', and was clearly sad and lonely. Then Steve appears and she basically drops everything for him. It really shows how much she cares about him. Like there is an undertone where she knows this can't last and is avoiding responsibility to get the most out of it. They even hammer it home with a line where he mentions what the other guy looks like and she says 'all I see is you'. Like she doesn't care about the other guy. I mean they crash at his apartment, have sex in his bed...with his body. And rifle through his things. So yeah she was being super irresponsible. There is even the awkward scene at the end where she runs into the guy whose body Steve was using. So yeah definitely on purpose. But the thing is. I get a different message from it than you. The point is that she was doing the wrong thing because she loved him soooo much. She was avoiding the obvious fate. She does it a lot in the movie. But in the end, when the world is at stake, she sacrifices everything to save it. The whole point was to show that Diana isn't perfect and loves Steve so damn much. But was still willing to sacrifice him for us. So yeah. Sounds like a great message to send to little girls. "You are not perfect, you make mistakes, but there is always a chance to fix them". And yeah I am 100% defending here. I know the movie had it's issues. There were dumb things. But the parts which I liked, I REALY liked. The messages was one of them.


My issues with this idea are several: 1. If Hades sent Steve then his ressurrection no longer ties into the main story. 2. If Steve is going to die no matter what Diana does then it is no longer her sacrifice. Then she looks like a hypocrite for asking the world to give up their wishes when she hasn't. The whole point was that Diana had to be the one to sacrifice Steve while giving up her wish.

That black guy

in reply to your reply about the issues you have with my idea my idea : 1. this is where you have Steve's role changed, instead of being the thing she's forced to give up in order to save the world, he's the thing that is there to let her know the world is even in danger. 2. it wouldn't be about her wishing on the stone but the fact she'd still realizes no wish is free, there's always a price paid regardless of the situation. she got the man she loved back but he's doomed to die regardless in order to save her, along with the world and she didn't even need to wish on a stone to do it.


1. I get that but in what way is Hades linked to the main story. Which is about wishes being granted. As is Steve is Diana's wish and so an integral part of the plot. If you change that then he feels like an unneeded extra. I also much prefer her finding out that the world was in danger herself and not needing someone to tell her the plot. 2. Again that doesn't tie into the main story which is about people wishing on the wishing stone. It is essentially the same thing but from a weird angle. She didn't actually wish for him back. So she doesn't really learn anything. As is the price she paid was her powers, that is her ability to help others. She had to sacrifice her personal happiness for the greater good. It was a Peter Parker moment. If Steve is going to die no matter what she does then you have taken the decision away from her. She is sacrificing nothing and there is no proof that she learnt anything. If he is doomed to die anyway then there is no point to anything she does. The lesson here is that WE decide if the world is good or bad. It is our decisions that make the ending.


I probably would have completely re-structured the wish aspect of the plot. Hades does occasionally let mortals leave the underworld (or he at least makes the offer to Orpheus). WW and Steve could have been a very easy Orpheus story, where his resurrection has some sort of 'geas' associated with it, and WW has to break the 'geas' as a way of resolving the main plot, thus sacrificing Steve for the sake of the world. I thought there were too many uneeded details, like the Dreamstone in general.

That black guy

one big thing, and I say this a s fan of Greek mythology is that I don't think his resurrection should be contingent on her needing to sacrifice, I believe much like all the deals hades makes, it should be a very fair but very strict one. Steve loves Diana but realizes she'd never go for the idea of letting him go so he doesn't tell her this is only until Dolos is defeated /end of journey thing.

That black guy

I made a notably longer reply but I guess patreon ate it, but basically, I disagree overall with your view of the film: 1.i always viewed it as Diana using truth to overcome Dolos' magic. and she didn't figure it out herself, if not for Barbara there's at least 3 instances where she'd have been completely stuck without knowing the full details. I'd also change the film to recontextualize some thibgs. 2. i view that as very lame overall,namely the Peter Parker part and I believe the element of her giving up Steve should be more similar to her "losing" the race at the beginning, she feels like she has victory but there's no truth to behind it. Steve died in the plane,she has to accept that. I don't think that was the lesson, especially when you remember 1984 Diana still becomes bvs Diana