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151 minutes of utter nothing. Diana is WW for about five minutes of the blandest, softest, most weightless, most poorly choregraphed scenes in 'film.' There are episodes of Green Arrow with higher production value. $200 million dollars? What the fuck? This has to be money-laundering. Gal Gadot just moved slowly in front of a flat green-screen. The story was . . . . Lol, what? So there's a magic 'wishing stone,' and the bad guy knows about it because . . . And then later the President of the United States show him a magic television thing that let's him 'touch' people through televisions because . . . like . . . The wishing stone wasn't powerful enough to just do that . . . Even though it grants wishes . . . You still need magic television technology to spread the 'particles' around. 

I refuse to believe a human being wrote this. This has to be another attempt by an AI at defeating the Turing Test by generating a comprehensible story from scratch, only it failed, hard. 

I GUESS the message of the movie could be "Don't let bad dudes make promises over television," or something. There's a certain Buddhist attitude about that, since Buddhists believe that root of all suffering is attachment/ambition, and the path to 'bodhi' is in giving those things up. I'm REALLY stretching. That's trying to rationalize and completely irrational script.  

Why do bad movies even get made? Why are mediocre people so fucking aggressive about mass-producing and mass-marketing their mediocrity? There's something really bothersome about these sorts of people. Christians who proselytize, Muslims who engage in Jihad, and normies who try to make art. The world would be a better place if these people stayed would shut up and stay in the audience with the rest of us.

 Fan-fiction has now fully eclipsed established franchises in terms of quality and coherence. Wow. 



John Smith

WW felt like it was wrote in the 80s...based on the CGI quality and the story elements u mentioned lol. Also like everyone made a bad wish? What about the people that had cancer or something lol. But that is WB issues a director makes one movie that relatively successful and DC lets them do whatever they want...


I'm willing to accept the contrivance that there is no such thing as a 'good' wish, based on the very flimsy moral that she learns at the beggining of the film about honesty or whatever, but the film doesn't do a good job of conveying that. WW's only 'cost' of getting her wish is that she's 1% weaker than usual, which is like . . . Meh. If another man had to actually die to bring Steve back, than WW would have an actual moral conflict.

John Smith

But also they dont adresss Steve taking over some randoms body so why not just have the wishing stone make a body out of nothing. Like if there is no moral conflict (guy is taken over and basically used as a puppet) why even have that element?


I mean idk how much you liked the other DCEU movies but it’s pretty par for the course. I do like the Asteria armor, it’s got a strong He-Man/She-ra vibe in a toy selling kinda way. At least they weren’t cowards and made Cheetah an actual cheetah...eventually


They turned her into a Jellicle Cat. I guess I'm pretty down on most of the DCU films. Justice League was the aesthetic of a superhero movie, but I think it's as superficial and emotional devoid as the sideways-hats who make up Snyderdom. "Big dark thing go boom-boom! Snyder-cut, bro! Bitcoins! G-Fuel! Batman kills people, lol!" Militant mediocrity. Man of Steel also felt devoid and lacking in any of the qualities I enjoy about Superman. Batman v Superman was a good video-game cutscene, but the 'movie' around it is fluff. The first Wonder Woman was mostly good. Aquaman was actually very enjoyable. Lots of action, camp, and cute sexual tension between the two leads. It was cartoony and silly in good ways.


Never said it was a good looking cheetah. I don’t watch DCEU movies cause I follow the “vote with you wallet” mentality. Granted me not seeing them is like a fly sized hit to their profit margin. I was gonna see Aquaman but decided against it due to the leading cunt.

That black guy

so you're hyped for wonder woman 3 then?

That black guy

on the armor : that's because the armor is from the 90s "Everything has got to have a toy" marketing push


I kinda assume everyone in Hollywood is a Communist alien reptile Satan worshipping Free Mason atheist Catholic, and I've very deeply ingrained a separation of art and artist (I consider the existence of art precedent to the artist's creation of it), so I just ignored that she's a psycho IRL (she' so hot that I'd risk that crazy).


In the top half when Supergirl is giving a paizuri should she be saying, “Just as good,” instead of, “Jut as good?”

Master Dragon

Power girl better get a flick or some animated movie.