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I'm almost done with a Mark comic that features him teaming up with Thistle and Key. I had a lot of fun making it. I want to make another Mark comic (while working on my commission), and I've got ideas for all of them. 

1) Cadence: Mark gets injured and Cadence offers different methods to heal him. White Magic. Potions. Holy Magic. But she also says stuff like Crystal Healing, Reiki, Chiropractors, Faith Healing, and other modern pseudo-science garbage, equating them all to fantasies. 

2) Briar. Briar is about to be burnt at the stake for being a witch, but then she reveals that the sexy witch-hunters all made racist jokes on social-media at some point in their lives, so the crowd turns on the witch-hunters. 

3) Tamora: Tamora is a tyrant. The comic would start with her acting very nice, and sweet, and benevolent, saying "Oh, I just want everyone to get along, and be equal, and never suffer, or be troubled by depression thoughts," but then we see that she is in the middle of a persecution, punishing (sexually) some peasant revolutionaries, while their village burns in the background. Tamora says "And everything would be perfect in everyone would only submit!" Dominatrix-Tyrant. 

4) Thistle is tired of being the thief, and she wants to switch classes. Mark punishes her by giving her the role of tank while he becomes the thief, so while he is safely stealing some loot, she's getting clobbered by some orc-guard. 

5). We learn that Key is a 'Quaterling.' A Half-Halfling. Would contain a cute Halfling girl or something. 



I thought the gag with key was going to be him telling a girl the halfling blood is why he's so underhung for sympatht points, then them running into a halfling with his dick out(taking a piss? Fucking someone else?) hung to the ground, shattering that lie.


Thistle. Give me my size difference and “entire fucking body” jobs

Master Dragon

Thistle does need more lime light.


I just want to see something with Tamora, been a while since we saw the milf


I love the Tamora idea but I have to vote for Briar due to the racially-ambiguous brown booty


I'm a big fan of size-difference, so Thistle getting pounded by a huge orc is very much my choice.