The Rent (Patreon)
Micky is the lordliest of all land-lords, another vestige of Europe's feudal economic system.
I'm pretty libertarian, but I don't accept the idea that "land" should be "owned." I think it can be "managed," and it makes since to rewards the fruits of that management to the laborers responsible for that management, however a 'lord' is just the "owner" of the capital. 99% of the time, they're someone born into the family. They're lords. They're literal, actual, medieval lords, and nothing has changed.
Communism is too hard of a swing towards tyranny though. I'd almost rather live in a Wild West of rapists and psychos than in a big concrete block, assembling widgets for Big Brother.
I also don't think non-tangible goods should be considered legitimate capital. The fact that Disney went into debt to buy Marvel and Star Wars . . . WHAT? They spent money THAT DIDN'T EXIST to buy characters WHICH ARE FICTIONAL and they didn't even do a good job of it. Ugh.
I think I feel the same way about patents as well. I think the entire patent system is a joke. That's the reason why shit is 4x more expensive in the States, and I don't accept the excuse that it's to recoup investment. Bullshit. They'd recoup investment regardless. They're just trying to squeeze as much blood out of the stone as possible. The system is also corrupt. Patents get stolen all the time, and they always end up in the hands of the people at the top, even if they did literally nothing to develop the technology that they come to "own."
Uggggggggh, I don't want to be a Communist because they're a bunch of boring feckless incompetents, but at least they aren't an uber-elite class of Illuminati child-rapist vampires.
I'm thinking about all of this because I think 2020 and 2021 may see some big moves for my country, and I'd like to know where my principals are before the shit REALLY goes down.