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Professor Voice: "Good news, everyone!"

I got my stimulus check, and I'm also one of the very few and very lucky people who has gotten to keep their stay-at-home creative dream-job during the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression, so  . . . I don't deserve this!

Anyways, I always said that I'd want a solid $1,000 a month to work on the DBDB exclusively until it was finished, since I'd want $100 a page for it, and I'm going to need to work on it in ten page spurts to stay focused. To not be a hypocrite, I'm going to interpret this stimulus money as like a government grant for me to finish DBDB. I have a few pending commissions, one of which is a story that I'm just writing really slowly, and the other is a cute one that has a friendly vibe, so I have no idea what I'm doing with that. Otherwise, my $1200 is going to carry me to at least page 50, AND I'm not cutting out any of the long B-plot tangents. I'm gonna try and do it all. It doesn't need to be perfect, I just need to shit it out. It's been in my head since like 2015. Not pledging to finish it, but I'm pledging to get to page 50. +

After that, nothing but 10 pages of DBDB, no other commissions . . . . EXCEPT I also want to make a lewd of this. 


THE WARDEN AND THE PAUNCH! I absolutely love Warhammer, and I really love what they keep doing with TWW2. Every update gets me fully reinvested into the game, and I even cut my current High Elf campaign short so I won't be bored of them before the update. I really, really, really what to build a full lion-theme stack of nothing but White Lions, feral lions, lion chariots, and heroes. 

So what's the lewd idea? 

1)   Eltharion the Grim, Warden of Tor Yvresse, is basically Warhammer's version of Batman. He defends his city, captures bad-guys, and interrogates them in his prison. He is a masculine High Elf who rides a griffin into battle, wields a sword and spear, and who controls High Magic. He's basically Batman if Batman was an High Elf paladin. The idea is him being Batman-like, interrogating the female lords of Warhammer . . . With his dick. Maybe he has one of them in chains and is plowing them while asking them questions about their faction.  

2) Grom the Paunch is hilarious. He's a fat goblin who rides a wolf-drawn chariot, and is attended by the coolest little Goblin sidekick of all time, Niblet. Grom's deal is that he's the only goblin to even sack the High Elf lands, so my idea for him is a picture of him in his chariot, riding back from a raid with a bunch of loot (and female High Elf slaves). Maybe Eltharion is pursing them in the distance. 

I'm still going as slow as ever, though, but I got the $1200, so I'm buckling in for this. 



I love Warhammer! Lol that's definitely one way to interrogate

Wild Bill

Sexual interrogation is hot. Would he be be fucking them until they 're begging him to stop making them cum and he will if they talk? Mindbreak them so they're begging for cock and they only get it if they talk? Or something else?


Not 100% sure yet. I have different loose concepts. One is simple drawings of him going through different characters, asking them different questions based on their trope, but I don't have any specifics yet. The DLC doesn't come out till the 21st. I'm going to try and get this done before then, but I won't really know what I'm doing until I start drawing.


I'm gonna get that dlc once uni is out of the way, I' adore all things goblin so this dlc is literally made for me :D