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I actually really enjoyed making this one. Maybe I need to take a break from 'hardcore' stuff. I just realized that maybe a big part of the reason my images have been getting sloppier is that I'm too mentally focused on 'sloppiness,' like as a vibe. Maybe I should chill and just do some nudes and cute stuff for a while. 



That black guy

Yeah these more tame ones are nice


Hot cowgirl. And yeah focusing on something more simple for a little while instead some big image or comic might do you some good


This is really nice. Cute, funny, simple, to the point, and most importantly, creative. Good job.


Draw what you enjoy bro


If they continue to be as cute as this, I’m into it.


Thanks! I realize my style and subject-matter changes a lot, which are supposed to be two of the biggest NO-NOs that artist are supposed to avoid to retain a following, but . . . I dunno. I've been scatter-brained for years and the work has stayed consistent.


I'm down for that, and I really like the cowgirl XD

Matty Thunders

Wow, the Comics Code Authority is just not like they used to be.


Nice Raven in the background