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Ugh. These look really fucking ugly to me. All my art does, but I think I get away with some of it be having a fucked up imagination and low-denominator humor, but this just looks like dry, dusty, blotcy slop. I think I need to change my content. This cartoonish BDSM stuff doesn't seem to suit. It's what arouses me, but only when it is drawn well. Other artists make it look fun and cute, but with me it just looks repressed and gross.  The two pages of the FF7 thing don't even match. I drew one right after the other, but they look different. Cloud is the worst part of it. His entire head and shoulders don't make sense, but I don't think it's worth salvaging.  I think I'm just going to ruin the next thing. I spent enough time on this. 




I don't know about the anatomy, but the half dried blood tone of the fur does need more balancing out or contrast or something. It bleeds into the pink. But I am looking at it with exhausted cat hair fouled eyes on a cellphone screen. So that may he part of it.


Lol I knew you were spazzing out when you didn't respond to my message bro. I mean its not what I had in mind but its still good. I can tell you had more fun and felt spontaneous creativity with the first pic tho. Should have just embraced No Homo Trapism and drawn sissy Cloud shaking his ass with dumb bimbo thot expressions.

Conall Brown

YOUR ART IS NOT CRAP!!! IT IS AWESOME! that being said do what you want to do as this is infact your art and my enjoyment of it does not mean you should.


I feel like part of the issue with the second pic is that aside from the Cloud dress-up it doesn't really have anything to do with the first part - Tifa and Cloud's outfits both have very little to do with Tifa's choices from the first part, and with no build up nor explanation Red is already there, made Tifa his bitch, and is now lording it over Cloud at the Honeybee Inn. Like what makai9 said if you decide to redo the fic how about something like this - leave Red completely out of it since it makes no sense why he is there, have Tifa and Cloud wearing something like torn or skimpy versions of their respective dresses, and maybe for a little something have them worshipping some guy's cock or something after getting caught (Tifa eagerly, Cloud reluctantly.) (Ultimately its up to you and and who I assume the commissioner, but I figured I'd throw my two cents in anyway.)


And thats the problem with most artist your your own worst critic, even though we love the work.


Yeah. That's what's motivating me to start over. There's no visual or narrative continuity. I just wasn't thinking at all through this, I was on total autopilot.