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Fuuuuuuuuck, I love Zelda: BOTW. Been replaying it during this, and I love it. Literally just the very, very, very, simple Playmobil-level game-play of ganking monsters, stealing their body-parts, using the parts to buy arrows, gank more monsters, so on. Wandering around a beatiful environment. Changing clothes to fit into the environment. Camping out in cool spots. If BOTW had any sort of simple base-building feature (like anywhere in the world) that would have made the game a 12/10, instead of just an 11/10. 

It, like Skyrim, really provides a world to dissolve into, like falling into a really good album. Just navigating the world is fun. I really enjoy the feeling of just having Link SLOWLY wanking along the crest of a hill, only moving in the general direction of a quest objective which is still half the map away, and I see something distracting off in a valley, so I glide off to check it out, and sneak around like an elf-ranger-ninja for monsters. Nice! 

Anyways, I have to do something BOTW this weekend, entirely for myself. Link ganking monster girls, sexually, and stealing their loot. Him being a total uber-alpha Hylian chad. I may do more than one, so vote for multiple options. 



I mean option 1 are like the iconic Zelda mob enemies


Dear god there's too many good choices!


You don't see Wizzrobe porn much.