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Batman and Catwoman are the ultimate alpha-couple. He's a billionaire playboy with a dark, violent undercurrent to his otherwise mysterious and erudite personality, and she's a sexy independent woman who takes whatever the fucks she wants from the world. 

I can't even relate. I can't relate at all. When I die, if I get one of those Konosuba events in which I get to choose my next life, I'm choosing Batman. Sorry Martha Wayne. Sorry Thomas Wayne. If you two have to die for my super awesome backstory, cool. Those are the eggs that need to get cracked for this omelette. 

These last few days should have been insanely productive. Instead I stocked up on groceries and then slept for like a bear for 48 hours, waking up only to watch a few episodes of JoJo's. 




Excellent :D


Hah that first panel is pretty cute with the face smush. Also groceries and sleep? I mean it’s more productive if it helps you stay alive during all this :D