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A mashup of several different Duke requests into a single incorherent comic. I guess Angelise got captured by goblins who don't like how much she complains, but Mark is there to rescue her, only he gets distracted as well. I guess. 

I've been feeling very uncreative recently, and I think it's caused my work to lose its zest. I do think I like this messy style of construction though. I wasted a lot of time on ideas like this last month, trying to work duke sketches into larger finished projects. That's just not working. I enjoy a lot of the ideas I'm getting, but I spread myself too thin last month, and now I know. 




Indeed, this had a couple of nice ideas but I thik Angelise one loss a bit on the comicfication, still nice stuff


I rather like this piece. But it does sound like you need to be strict with yourself and schedule, but that's a totally adult thing to do. Being an adult sucks.


I really like this actually!


Too many ideas and little time can be damaging for the creativity, ive been into many blocks due to that.