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-Thanks for another month of the greatest job in the world, everyone! And to those with stuff that's late from last month, as always, sorry I'm so slow. 

-I want to try something just for fun, since I'm trying to write a story (again), but I'm really trying to control myself and not muddle it with stupid incomprehensible ramblings. I'd like to try this on the side, just for fun. It's a CYOA with relatively short chapters. I'll compile it once complete. If all goes according to plan (which it never does for me), I should update this every few days, since the chapters are so short. Been feeling Catwoman, so it's about Catwoman. Sorry about spelling and grammatical errors. 



Selena Kyle ran silently across the spiraling rooftops of downtown Gotham City, even though she was wearing seemingly impractical stiletto-heeled boots, and a skintight catsuit so form-fitting that it looked like a layer of spray-on latex. The latex did groan slightly as it stretched over her large breasts and round buttocks, but that was the only sound she made. She was otherwise as supernaturally silent as a ghost. Her short black hair was currently covered by a tight latex cowl--vainly fashioned in the style of  cat, complete with little ears--and her piercing blue eyes were covered by a pair of highly advanced goggles. She carried only a few tools with her. Some very small lockpicks hidden in her gloves. Her claws. Her whip. Selena didn't need much. She was one of the most talented 'naked' thieves in the entire world. 'Naked' in this context meaning that she did not rely on tools or team-members. Selena could get by with nothing but her fingers.

She was Catwoman. The Queen of Thieves.  

Selena's prey for the night was the Gotham City Art Museum, which was currently hosting a very special collection of rare Wakandan artifacts on loan from the Wakandan Royal Family, as part of a diplomatic exchange. The whole thing had been set up by the Gothamite billionaire industrialist Bruce Wanye and King T'Challa of Wakanda. The key piece of the exhibit was 'The Heart of Wakanda,' a perfect golf-ball sized diamond that was uniquely infused with small vibranium molecules which caused the diamond to almost glow. There were many legends about the gem, legends that it could heal the sick, enhance strength, reinforce stamina, and it even made sex feel better. 

The diamond was utterly priceless and possibly a 'McGuffin,' as Barbara Gordon called stuff like this. Selena wasn't sure what Barbara meant by that word, but she knew that the diamond was important, so she was stealing it. Not to sell. Just to have. 

Selena Kyle was a thief, but not for need. She was already quite rich, with hundreds of millions of dollars hidden away in secret places all over the world. She was set, but she still stole. She'd steal for as long and as often as she could. She did it for fun. She did it because it got her pussy wet, and there were only two things that got Selena's pussy wet. Stealing, and intense hardcore BDSM sex. 

"There you are, my purrrrfect little baby," Selena moaned erotically as she slunk and slithered her way to the large glass case where the diamond was held, up on the second floor of the museum. It stood among a wall of African wooden masks, some of which were as big as surfboards, and some of which were oddly intimidating. 

Selena had cut her way through the glass of a window. Her latex catsuit had unzipped quite a bit, exposing a huge swathe of her naked chest from her breasts to her pubic region. Half of her large bouncy breasts hung out, and her perfectly cut six-pack abs were on full display. If her zipper slipped open anymore she would certainly be showing some pussy. 

Selena's mouth (and vagina) salivated at the sight of the supernaturally sparkly diamond. Stealing world-class shit like this was her greatest pleasure in life. It was honestly even better than sex, even with Batman. Selena's clitoris and nipples were so stiff that they almost hurt. This was her favorite part. 'The Snatch.'

As quick as a cat catching a canary, Selena slashed her razor-sharp claws across the thick glass that was protecting the diamond, and she cut through it as easily as cake. A moment later she was holding the heavy sparkly golf-ball in the palm of her hand, and something about its carbon-vibranium composition sent shivers down Selena's spine, which transformed into feelings of warm, wet, wild pleasure a bit deeper in her body. 

It seemed that the legends were true. Vibranium is an aphrodisiac.  

Selena was so preoccupied by her little orgasmic moment of kleptomaniacal climax that she didn't notice the slight change in air-pressure from behind her, a very sure sign that someone was sneaking up on her. They made no sound, and they intentionally kept to Selena's blind-spots, but there was a millisecond of a visible reflection in the empty glass case, and Selena was alerted to the approach of the new challenger.

Selena spun on her heels. She put her claws up so fast that her large tits nearly bounced out of her open catsuit. 

"YOU!" Selena hissed. "I should have guessed that YOU of all people would be here!"


Who is it? Who is confronting Selena Kyle, The Catwoman, as she is stealing a priceless artifact from a Wakandan exhibit in Gotham City? (Don't worry if a character you want to see doesn't win. I'll be introducing a third character by the end of the story, and all these options will return. Just pick who you want Selena to fight first.)

A) Batman. It is Gotham City, after all. 

B) Robin. Maybe Tim Drake. College years. 

C) Batgirl. Barbara Gordon. She and Selena have been butting heads. 

D) Black Cat. Felicia Hardy. Marvel Universe version of Catwoman. She's also there to steal the gem. 

E) Black Panther. King T'Challa. He wants to protect the exhibit, and teach Catwoman a lesson . . . With his big black cock. 




I mean if you will introduce a third character then it will obviously be batgirl now then Batman comes later to teach both girls a lesson


Never changed my mind this fast but man is black cat hot