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Working on a warhammer thing. I'm thinking of planning it to have a SFW and a NSFW version. Normally I hate doing this, because of the way I construct my images, but if I plan it all out ahead of time, it should work alright. I want to do it just because I haven't gotten to draw any warhammer lately. 

The basic focus is a Skaven warlord. Red armor. Riding on the back of a giant ugly mutant monster centipede thing. He's got weaponry from the Tomb Kings, and maybe some trophies from other places. 

In the NSFW version, he'll have some naked slave either slung over his saddle, forced to run behind him, or something like that. What race is she from?



Seeing the votes its a shame that we arnt going to see the tomb queen.


No Dwarf? Shame