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Well, cool. I think I made a cool thing. It obviously took a while, but I had a lot of fun drawing it. I'm actually surprised that "Celtic" won the mythology poll. Celtic Mythology has always kinda been the redheaded stepchild of European culture. Everybody knows Greek, and most people know Norse (especially after the Thor movies), but you try to bring up  Cú Chulainn in conversation, and the you end up spending the next ten minutes explaining why it's either pronounced Koo-HULL-In or Koo-KULL-In, but never  Koo-Chu-Lane. 

I'd like to do another on of these. I'd actually like to hit every major mythology group as part of a series. This counts as the Celtic installment, or maybe I'll specify it as Irish, that way I'll have room for a Welsh installment and a Scottish installment. That way I could draw Tam Lin. 

Also, I'm sorry to say that the style of construction I've been working with (that soft rendering style) probably isn't going to work out. It goes very quickly compared to my traditional style (this piece took me three days on and off), but it doesn't work for stuff like this. I actually tried finishing this using that newer style, and the problem of colors being too 'muddy' or 'metallic' just kept persisting and worsening as I put in more detail. I'm probably going to retire that method for now, and go back to this method of making images. 

It just takes so long . . . Ugh. I want shortcuts. 




Damn she came out looking really nice

That black guy

He looks very Link like and she, incidentally, looks like a human top mermaid version of Mipha


I really need to look deeper into European Mythology. I know a bit of scottish and irish folk tales, but not much of their myths.


The distinction is kinda vague. Scottish people and Irish people are both descended from the same ancient Gaelic speaking populations, so Scottish "mythology" (if there were such a thing) would be the same as Irish mythology. Scotland has a lot of unique stories, faeries, and even gods, but not a clearly articulated mythology. Scottish culture is really a sub-branch of Celtic culture.


Fantastic piece