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These powerful affirmations will help you:

- Heal, cleanse, balance and open your throat chakra.

- Fully balance and open your throat chakra allowing you to reach your full potential.

- Maintain your chakras forever optimally aligned.

- Be balanced and communicative.

- Be whole and forgiving.

- Easily express yourself.

- Always be understood.

- Feel confident when speaking.

- Feel comfortable around others.

- Speak your truth.

- Have a beautiful voice.

- Always be happy.

Listen at low and comfortable volume as much and as often as needed. I recommended relaxing and focusing on your Throat Chakra while listening. Headphones are optional. Unisex

This formula includes frequencies; please, don't listen while driving or handling heavy machinery and make sure to drink enough water to activate the changes and avoid headaches.  

The Throat Chakra is the fifth of the seven main chakras. It is located at the base of the throat area and is associated with the colour light blue or turquoise. Vishuddha is the most common Sanskrit name for the throat chakra, which means pure or purification. The element associated with this chakra is Ether.

The throat chakra is linked to communication, self-expression, and the ability to speak your personal truth. It also restores your energy by detoxifying the impurities from your body and mind.

Experiencing difficulty expressing your thoughts, feeling shy, talking without thinking, insecurity, dishonesty, insensitivity, social anxiety and having trouble making sound decisions are clear signs that your throat chakra is out of alignment.

A balanced throat chakra will help you eliminate the fear of judgement or the need for approval from others and contribute to the preservation of health.

Healing and soothing foods and beverages such as coconut water, herbal teas, raw honey and lemon are ideal for the throat chakra. Fruit from trees such as apples, pears, peaches and plums are also known to be excellent at healing this chakra.

Happy results! :)



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