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A poem about those who hurt you while still claiming to be more harmed and more real. - Clovis


Autoerotic Victim


I am owed,

My experience alone defines, my blessing and curse,

For the burden of singular reality, I am owed,

The only one with everything to lose, the only one with everything,

If you doubt, I cry,

If you cry, I sob,

If you sob, I scream,

If you scream, I am solemn silence,

If you are silence, I am rage incarnate,

If you are rage, I am the wounded lamb,

If you are the lamb, I am powerful, dignified maturity, soaring high above,

If you are powerful, if you are grown, I am betrayed, left behind to die, by cold loveless hands,

If you are betrayed, left behind, unloved, I am drowned in guilt,

If you are guilt struck, I am safe -- but not for long,

I am the bigger victim.


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