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Heya folks! It’s the end of the month and man it’s been a weird one. I feel pretty decent about the output for the month, but I hope April is even better! April will mark Famish’s 10th anniversary (and my birthday), I also usually do an annual tradition of April O’neil pics...

But those loose plans aside I wanted to go over a couple things I want to get to in due course as well!

First is Kikazaru from Last Period, a really funny based off a Japanese mobile game of the same name.

Nitocris is from Fate Grand Order, which I don’t watch or play, but the art and cosplay for her was pretty alluring!

There may be some other things I look into during the month, but I have half a hope I may be able to at least sketch out Famish’s origin story once and for all, but I may settle for a nice 10th anniversary pin-up.

I may conceivably have a little more time to be at home and draw this month, so I’d like to aim to put a little more out.

Thanks as always for everyone who’s continued To offer their support on here! It means a lot!



For your April O’Neil pic, just as a suggestion, maybe something with Irma as well, she doesn’t have to be fat but it could be like Irma asking April a question and April giving a nonchalant answer while stuffing her face with pizza

