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Was thinking of doing a piece with this lady from Ratatouille, but... I’m having a bit of a time translating the look of the film into something I’m happy with. I may need to simplify/streamline if I end up proceeding with her.

Update: Revised the body a bit.




Looks amazing....though if I could make a suggestion, perhaps a bit bigger breasts and maybe her belly a bit bigger in that her lower half hangs down a bit more like it’s barely hanging out her her chef uniform. But I imagine her chef uniform’s probably gonna be practical burst off her and her buttons ready to go flying and we can see her flesh underneath?


Kind of you to say! The proportions were sort of at a friend’s suggestion. I tend to lean towards larger breasts naturally, so I may revise those before long... as for outfit, I was thinking the chef robes, yeah, but I do like the idea of visible frilly French lingerie. So... maybe you’ve convinced me to keep working on it,


Honestly, I feel it woul work better if the head wasn't facing directly towards the viewer, as most of the identifying and unique features of the face tend to get lost, especially for a Pixar character. If you had the head at a position more similar to the first picture, it would stand out a little better. Also the body proportions seem a little long for the character, so it kind of makes the head look smaller than it should. Otherwise, it looks pretty neat!


Helpful notes! The body was honestly a bit of a rushed afterthought, I definitely spent most of the time on the likeness...

Tommy Showbiz

This looks like a tricky picture, but I think it's actually looking quite well and you've managed to capture the features of a notoriously difficult character to draw quite well! I think the original proportions you had for her body suits the size of her head much better than the revised version though.