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This didn't literally happen, but this one time we encountered our neighbour's son, he stopped to chat, and we both talked politely a moment before we needed to carry on our way. My boyfriend asked me who that had been, and I hadn't even realised that he doesn't know him. I'm bad with faces and names, so I'm personally in the habit of politely pretending to recall who someone is if they seem to know me.

This could 100% happen.




That HAS 100% happened to me. And to my friend when we were out a few weeks ago. A lady greeted her by name and they had a conversation before she admitted to me afterwards that she had no idea who the lady was.


this definitely happens to me

Larry Garfield

Back in college, I ran into a friend's roommate on the street. We chatted for a while, then went to get dinner, then hung out in her room for a while... 4 hours I was hanging out with this girl and I couldn't remember her name the entire time! And after the first few minutes it would have been awkward to ask. (I eventually asked to see her ID photo when she was checking me out of her dorm, which had her name on it. Which I now still remember, 24 years later.)


I've had this happen before. In a Target parking lot. Apparently he was an old teacher I had in high school.

North Grizz

I've had that as well. Partly due to people recognising me from the local bookstore I used to work at, partly due to a bad memory for people. I just act like I know who they are as well.


I do this too. A woman once came up to me and started chatting. She looked vaguely familiar, but vaguely. By the conversation I could infer that we had once been in the same class at school. Other than that, I was totally blank. Took me months before my brain was able to actually place her, as in what school at what age, and remember her name.