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I tear up a little bit every time I remember that they remind you to do that. That's what you do in an emergency. When it's a matter of life and death, they make sure that you know that you can't help anyone if you don't take care of yourself first. That's how dire and important it is to respect yourself, do self-care, have boundaries and first and foremost help yourself before you help anyone else.

Helping others is vital for survival, and the importance of being there for other people can't be stressed enough, but no matter what, it's always still the second most important thing.




I have some psychotherapist colleagues who actually use the airplane mask thing as a metaphor for the importance of looking after yourself so you have the spare energy and focus to help others. :D


They taught us something similar in EMT school--if you can't keep yourself safe for your own sake, do it so your colleagues don't have to take care of an extra patient. Maybe not the healthiest reason but it gets through to the tough guys.