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Not sure why I painted this, wanted to paint it anyhow. I wanted to paint something overgrown, forgotten, deserted. Taken over by nature.




Absolutely beautiful.


There is a beauty in the existentialism of this. Well done.


I wonder why a person in north-eastern Europe would find interesting symbolism in peaceful nature overcoming a weapon of war right now 🤔. I hope you and your family stay safe. edit to clarify: I know you're not in Ukraine (Finland I think you've said?), but the sentiment stands. I hope everyone stays safe and that this all blows over soon. Slava Ukraini 🌻


War hasn't reached here, we are quite safe. People are busy donating what/when they can, but not out of fear for ourselves but out of worry and sympathy for others!


For me reWilding is hope-punk af, thank you for sharing!

Law Nerd

I think it suits the ZeitGeist ... the world would be a better place were all weapons of war suitably abandoned and overgrown.


This is really beautiful, and I wish it was the world we live in. 🥺


This is gorgeous. There’s something oddly beautiful in seeing man-made creations being overtaken by the nature that it once thwarted. It reminds me a tiny bit of Chernobyl - looking at the old, long vacated buildings now easily being overgrown by lush green foliage and rebounding animal life is a brilliant example of nature’s adaptability and perseverance.


I really like this. Thank you for sharing. I'm not saying I would/wouldn't buy this particular one (I'd be tempted), but you might consider putting up a shop for on-demand prints of your work like this. I have a few canvas prints of a similar nature to this one from a talented artist that I bought from Deviant Art's store that I still absolutely adore.


oooh, i love this