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We order fast food wayyyy too often, but there's something about sitting on the bed together, eating burgers and watching the stupidest thing youtube has to offer.




My wife and I often watch ghost vids like nukes top five and compare if we think real or fake. It's fun to do while eating.


"Who never ate their bread in bed, knows not how crumbles prick." (Rough ad hoc translation from German: "Wer nie sein Brot im Bette aß, weiß nicht, wie Krümel pieksen.")


Right now if me and the wife tried this. It would be D&D Dungeon Master tutorials VS. Quilting tutorials. 😆😆😆😆


Our current YouTube binge is The Lockpicking Lawyer. He just has the most soothing voice, a wry sense of humor, and the locks are either fascinating or scarily insecure (or both).


Don't think for a second the game theory reference slipped by, me be smort X3 Also speaking of binging things, ur comics can keep me busy for hours and I love them 😺😺

Larry Garfield

Math videos and Forged in Fire for us, but otherwise, yeah, we've had this conversation way too many times...