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You’re either from a family where 100-person parties are expected, or from one where 7 people attending is a big deal.




I've got to say, whatever the uncle is making does look incredibly fancy


I feel lucky my fox mate and I have similar scale families - definitely the 7 people are a big deal category. My ex husband had a huge family, with regular huge events and I just wanted to hide under a table with a dog or two.


Having a big birthday coming up this year, I carelessly got out a preliminary invitation to family and selected friends. If everyone I invited attends, it will be about 50 people. I NEVER had something organized for anything above 8 people. I mean, where do I house them, how do I feed them? I'm getting really scared. Maybe I should just hide from the world on that day.

North Grizz

I'm with Blue on this one. I think eight people was the most ever. Now that I'm over 6,000km from the family it's smaller :)


Same!!! I come from a family of 3 people. When I started dating my foxmate they brought me to their 'small family holiday gathering' with 80 first cousins. It was a shock! That there were 6 sets of twins didn't make it any easier to learn whom is whom lol