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Recently I've been making animation loops instead of working on the things I was supposed to be working on, and it occurred to me that it would be fun to do a little step-by-step of my process from rough sketch frames to the final result. So here it is in nine figures, step by step:

  • rough sketch - mainly tried to get the right movement going, at the right rhythm

  • cleanup sketch - I reduced the number of frames from 38 to 20, it's a bit jittery but going quality over quantity with the panels will definitely save me a lot of work later

  • lineart - I tried something new this time, going for a much thicker outline than I usually have, to see how it works. I decided that I like the way it looks, and it's easier to make smooth than thin lines

  • background colour - I isolated the lineart from the background, making the character separate from it, for easier shading

  • rough shading - only two levels, light areas and dark areas

  • refined shading - three levels, with highlight, shadow, and neutral shade area in the middle

  • flat colours - I originally wanted this to have a yellow-orange-pink palette, but couldn't figure out how to make it work and didn't feel like this was the place to experiment, so I went with this soft pink purple shade range instead

  • shading on colours - combined the flat lineart with the shading, trying to figure out how to make each area match in contrast but still be in its own visually pleasing colour range

  • final touches - changed the lineart from stark black to a soft dark purple, made the lineart of the legs through the skirt lighter to give it more of a sense of sheer fabric, added highlights to the hair and skirt

...And that's my animation loop process. I've been procrastinating all my actual work by making this instead.




oh my goodness, you found my dream date!


Sometimes procrastination results in overcoming a challenge and growth from doing so. I will procrastinate because the task is too easy and I know I will accomplish it without any real effort.