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Lately I've been thinking about this, and of what I'm talking about if the 7 day delay that every Weekend 2 comic page had. This delay was the time the pages would stay on patreon as a reward for patrons only.

At first it was an interesting idea and it worked nicely! But after some time it started to feel weird. The best metaphor I have for the feeling is like when you're speaking on a microphone and you can hear your own voice with a delay and you start stuttering just because of it.

What was happening is that I would try to plan my schedules so much and be careful about hiding comic content that I would almost sabotage myself. There were so many smalls plans going inside my head that started becoming very problematic and affected my own motivation to make art, more specifically to make this comic.

There is something terribly scary about not receiving the feedback you would expect about a piece and still having to move on to the next artwork or project. I guess I got too acquainted with that cycle, that, whenever I have to work on something that I can't share with people and see their reactions or if they liked it, there is a feeling very similar to failure, and it started be very counterproductive for me.

I think I should make this shorter and just share the Patreon post I did earlier today about this topic, it will save some extra writing: https://www.patreon.com/posts/8104556

I'm glad the people there replied and support me on my decision. I am taking this risk for both me and all of the people that like my art, that like to see me drawing. I want to share my content with everyone, exclusivity wasn't always a good thing in my perspective, I think I did it mostly because I was afraid and wanted to do something more professional, but I am sacrificing that for the sake of productivity and motivation. Damn it was starting to feel suffocated and lonely everytime I stopped to work on comic pages offline, it's crazy, shouldn't be like that! So let's make things right.

Oh since we're in this topic about connecting more with the watchers, I have a discord group that you can hangout and chill, you're always welcome to join: https://discord.gg/fFCt3AC


Changes are:

- No longer earlier pages on patreon (but still going to share the high res files and previews only there!)

- Now I will be streaming comic content! Yay freedom!!

- More spontaneous stuff and less stress ^^

I want to thank everyone that supported me on this decision and a special thanks to those who are with me because they believed in me and my art and don't care about rewards <3


I'll soon remove the parts that mention early content from my patreon description and the future comic pages aren't going to have that line either.




Kinda disappointing. The sole reason I supported you was for the earlier content. Guess since I don't watch streams this change makes sure that I don't gain much from supporting you anymore. Let the hate rain down on me, but I'm just being honest here. There are a lot of artists that deserve some support and I can't help everyone out. Guess I'll have to reconsider my pledges.


I really appreciate your honesty and I was aware that this change wouldn't make everyone happy, that's normal ^^Thanks for supporting me the way you could! You're always welcome to come back and enjoy my content!


If it helps you make content, good for you. Like a lot of the people in the comments on your previous post, I concur that I support you to support you, and so I'll be happy as long as you keep making and being fulfilled by art.


If it makes you more comfortable with doing your art, it was the right decision to scrap that 7 day period. After all it shouldn't stress you to make art or even to think about that. Your art isn't going to be less awesome just because I can't watch it 7 days earlier anymore.


To offer a counter point to RunicWolves, I could relate to needing feedback, and really appreciate you opening up your art to more people. I signed up to Patreon BECAUSE you did this. Looking forward to more of your art! (oh... that and the hi-res versions =D )