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Lately I've been thinking a lot about this, asking myself how big of a deal the 7 day delay for having pages only available here actually is.

If it was more than 50% of the reason people are supporting me, or if it wouldn't matter at all if that reward didn't exist.

The reason why I've been thinking so much about it is because it has been troublesome for me since the beginning. The disadvantages ended up bigger than the advantages, let me list them and try to make things clearer for you:


- I have a nice reward for all people that is supporting me financially.

- I have 7 days to spot an error in a page and fix it before releasing it.


- The 7 day delay for posting to public galleries can mess up with my schedule, it affects my motivation and increases stress for the extra things I have to deal with or plan. In other words: posting it straight away could make things easier for me to process and would motivate me to make new pages straight away because the public feedback would be instant. I didn't think feedback was important for comics that until this. It's like some kind of lag. I feel like I can be more spontaneous without less planning and worrying.

- Sometimes pages end up being leaked during this 7 day wait, which is awful but inevitable and also plays with my motivation. If I give them nothing timewise to leak, things would improve for me on that matter I'm sure

- Without the restrictness of the 7 day exclusivity, I would be able to stream the making of the comic for everyone! I tried to start streaming for patrons only but finding a way for streaming privately was awful and I realized that only a small number of people would end up watching them. At first I didn't like streaming comic making because it felt like something too personal and I liked to give the surprise feeling of reading a new page, but nowadays it's more like a fight within myself trying to be more productive and streaming work makes wonders.

- Working offline (not streaming) lately only works for me when I either need too much time googling references, or when I know I will work for a short amount of time like half an hour. Besides that, working offline is just not that stimulant as it used to be, feels lonely and like i'm imprisioned for that amount of hours doing homework instead of having fun drawing and sharing the moment with more people that will love to be there with me.

- I'm not sure if the early access is something big for you patrons, so giving up on it is not an easy decision. A decision like this is risky, so I need to make sure to know what you all think first.

I just needed to put this off my chest and be honest with you all, feel free to write anything in the comments but please do, I need to hear you and make sure I'm doing the right thing.

And thanks for reading this text ^^




Don't know about everyone but I support you because I enjoy your content. Early access while interesting isn't necessary if it's just going to be released in a different location.


Do whatever is best for you, I'm just here because I like to support my favorite artists.


Do what u want i love ur art, but i reccomend not to push urself toomuch cus guess what: stress isnt good for ur health😉. Sooo... yea do what u think is right and good for u and keep making great art pieces😉👌


I support you because you make cool, cute stuff. The exclusivity doesn't matter at all. <3


A sei lá zeta faz o que você quiser mais ainda estarei te apoiando.

Husky Friend

No one cares about exclusivity, like you said it all gets leaked anyway so I don't think it's really even that big a reward (no offense). Here cause I want you to keep making awesome art.

Strawberry Puptart

I didn't know there was a delay, but now knowing it's a stress for you, I'd prefer if you went to immediate release.


I come here for two reasons. Because I like your art, and because I get high resolution copies. I don't care all that much about exclusivity. Do as you wish. :)


For me, I don't really care about the exclusivity and would be fine with you releasing here and on other sites at the same time. I'm already getting the art files and feel that's already enough of a reward. Plus I really enjoy your art, especially the comics. That's really why I support you.


The seven day earlier isn't very important to me, but the HD version is. On the other paw I'm not supporting you to get the HD version, but because I think your art is support-worthy.


I'm here to help how I can, not to be treated special. I love your work, and wish you happiness :)


Is there a weekend 3