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- finished this hair asset finally, was supposed to be done yesterday, but I took an extra day to polish/fix some things and add some more detail. Even if you can't compare the difference between the two days, it was definitely worth the time :)

- Also did some renders with a textured/different mesh (the one I've used for WIPs every now and then), scale and fit is off with that one, but it helps to visualize better with a complete head, even though the hair doesn't fit it.

- I'm ... not happy with this one, it's ok, I guess. That might sounds crazy, as it doesn't look bad and it definitely isn't,  but it has several flaws that I can always spot when I look at it and it bothers me.

- Anyway, without going into detail about it (maybe I should, for these posts, I dunno how interested people are in reading this stuff xD), lessons have been learned from this one. These hair models are still an experiment after all and since this was the first time I was going for more straight hair rather than the curlier one from the previous styles, I didn't expect it to come out perfectly, these are very complex models after all.

- Still need to import this ingame, that should be pretty fast, so this should be out in a day or two. I am somewhat scared of hair thickness, this is kinda thin for the way FO4 handles alphas and quite a bit of hair may go sub-pixel even at closer camera distance, so I may need to re-bake textures for some slightly thicker hairs. That may delay it a bit, but I guess I won't know until I see it.




When an artist works on a project long enough, they will always begin seeing flaws that others won't. Take a breather. You'll come back to it later realizing it's pretty damn good :)


I agree with Rhaevyn. This looks amazing by the way.


Thanks :) I definitely agree with you, after all nothing is ever perfect. I guess it's a question of how happy I am with the end result flaws and all. I was pretty pleased with the last one, even if it had it's own issues. This one however, does have some things that linger on. I guess you could say it's not living to it's full potential and that's slightly frustrating in a way.