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- 60% -ish complete

- this is ... grueling to work on, if I was to use a single word to describe it. It's extremely slow to model and very challenging to make it look realistic. Kinda lost count on the hours spent, probably pushing 60-70. At this point I would've felt heavy burnout on any other normal project, but somehow, I'm still excited and interested to work on this even at this stage. Maybe because it's such a new thing/experience for me.

- Mostly worked on the back portion as the difference in detail would suggest.

- Had to hide the back ponytail for now because it was hard to even visualize the model and work with it in the way.

- Unfortunately at the rate I'm going, this is going to take more time, at least another week of work. Normally I'd release the early access mod first in the month, which this is supposed to be, but it's just not going to happen this time. Sorry if you're a lower tier patron, I don't want you to feel neglected, but I really want to take my time with this and have it look amazing :)

- I'm going to take a small break from this and get the bunny shirt released first. Since it's already done, there's no point in keeping it just to maintain release order. That should be  out in 1-2 days. 
