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- texturing started, maybe about 40% done.

- mostly trying to establish a good base to work with, at this stage. Denim has this interesting shading in it when you look closer and that is tricky to achieve from scratch.

- colors are mostly placeholders too, I believe the Amara jeans are a bit brighter and more blue-ish in tint so they're not going to keep this back/dark grey color.

- not sure about the stitching either actually, the original concept doesn't have that kind of fine detail in it, it's much more simple, so I kinda have to figure that out . I've defaulted to the orange-ish color that like every pair of jeans on the planet has, but I'm not sure how well that's going to play with the other pieces/ the full set, since the whole set has this grey/purple color scheme, but going purple with that might be ... weird. It's definitely hard to visualize it without having the other pieces, normally I'd do everything together.

- most likely going to do some texture variations on this model as well and release those separate, similar with how I did with the Ftop.




You've probably already made a decision, but I've seen jeans with dark silver (almost gray) stitching. Would go with the color scheme.


Looks really good. Keep up the good work!