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 - Very glad to see it at this stage, I'd lie if I said this didn't pose a bit of a challenge, mostly technical in nature, but also making me try some new things, which is ... rare for me. Also time investment was massive (pulled in a 12 hour marathon just yesterday to get it done by today), so I can't wait to finish it and move on to other things.

- low poly game mesh completed and fully mapped and cleaned. Pretty detailed mesh overall, mostly every big detail is worked into the model (even the back pockets have thickness :) ).  Pretty well optimized too, sitting at 18 thousand triangles which I think it's actually lower than the Rage Gloves I released, I think, for a model that is much bigger in scale, so I'm overall happy with it.

- there's some small clipping due to the presentation mannequin style body not matching scale, didn't have time to fix, try to ignore that for now :P

- texturing is next and then it's pretty much done, let's see if all the effort pays off in the end.




These are lovely! so excited to pair them with your tank tops!


nom nom nom