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Well, enjoy this video. More are coming very soon... but not today. I'll explain more in the following posts.


As yet untitled atheists cavemen video


Curtis Rogahn

I watched this video three times now. What is he trying to say with his thought experiment?


I can only imagine he's only ever interacted with atheists intellectually on par with himself, if they can't manage to simply dismiss the entire thing as a non sequitur. Giving him the benefit of assuming he's not simply lying.


I think the intent was to try and catch atheists in putting atheism before epistemology, having an unfalsifiable atheism so to say. "No matter how obvious an angel you see in a hypothetical is, you'll always find an excuse to be sceptical, say that it's more likely you were mistaken than it was actual magic; it seems no arguments or evidence can convince you even in a hypothetical where god is actually real (because you need to be ready for dismissal if anything similar is presented in reality), so your atheism seems to supersede epistemology, and therefore not resting on epistemology".