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A little update on what I'm doing for the next video. Also, my head hurts from the fumes...I think they made me a little high


Burning a Mannequin (and Video Update)

Uploaded by Logicked on 2017-04-12.



Great Monty python reference, btw.


Most men take to uncontrolled masturbation when they have too much time at home. You're going in a whole different direction lol 🤘✏


You're not high from the fumes. That's a tumor


Logicked honey I am concern the amount of drugs you got with the mass amount of money have started you down a strange path.

Florena Emberlin

Okay if I had any doubts about becoming a patron this video laid them to rest. I love it.


Do you even fire bro?


This comment may be a bit tangential, but the video makes me wonder: if we assume that the Christians are right and individuals who sin go to a fiery hell, wouldn't we just get used to the burning sensation after a few minutes? "Hello, welcome to Hell. You're going to experience an intense but brief burning sensation followed by complete numbness." It doesn't seem like pain would have any meaning in a context where your capacity to experience it is essentially destroyed.


ugh, UGH, tinny, so dreadfully tinny! Caribou. Yes. Bosom. There's a woody word.


No idea what mannequins are made of, but you probably need very high temps or an oxygen rich environment to burn 'em.


Money well invested haha keep it up


i actually am ashamed to not have coughed up a couple o' bucks earlier. Glad to hear you can contuinue!