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My THANK YOU to all my new patrons and my whole audience!


The Salvation of Logicked: THANK YOU ALL!

You are the best.



Logicked: I have youtube red, do you still get monetized from those views, since I dont see ads anyway? If not, that surely should be grounds for a lawsuit, since I am choosing to watch your contentwith my paid subscription.


Could not be happier to help. I have enjoyed your content for a very long time.


Logicked, just keep on creating awesome content. You seem like a genuinely nice person and I've been following your work since the beginning. Good luck with your future projects.


We got your back, mate. Glad it's working out for you.


Yes, YouTube Red pays about as much as regularly working AdSense would. Check out Hank Green's video for details. That's only an alternative to AdSense if TONS of people used it, though.


We love your content, and we want you to succeed. Keep up the great work. And if you ever make your way to western NY, I'll buy you a pint.


You're welcome, mate. "Censorship" and YouTube bullshit ain't going to stop the free expression of ideas.


Created a patreon account for the sole reason of giving you money. Love your stuff, man.


Glad you will be around to give us more


Finally found the menu item to change one's contribution behind the little animal head icon at top right of screen. Glad to contribute to the resistance to YouTube nonsense. On an unrelated note, fuck Islam.


Sums you up. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A52--FKUQgU" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A52--FKUQgU</a> Good on you. Dammit. Can't type when drunk. True tho.


Keep up the good work Logicked. Don't stop making awesome videos. You have the support of the community.


As others have said you probably want to diversify your platforms. I see you've already got Minds. You might consider twitch. Lots of youtubers doing that as well. Although you might have to work a game into the video. There are plenty of games that involve hell that would make a decent backdrop.