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As yet untitled All In For God book review 3



Now he is William lane Craig "there had to be a creator"


This took a turn….


Cut at the perfect moment. "If the world wasn't perfectly level, all the water would flow down the slope and off the edge... Therefore the world isn't a globe" (paraphrased). Second genuine jaw drop moment of this series (first being that pi varies with circle size).


'Geocentric Flat Earther' is a good description of his illogic. What is the earth the center of? I haven't gotten a good description of what is holding up the plate of the earth or the dome of the sky or what is outside the South Pole wall.


Thank God that the British got to set the "world" meridian through Greenwich, instead of the French getting to set it through Paris. As this means that I get an extra hour in bed every morning.