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As yet untitled answers for atheists video



So..... Do babies that go to heaven grow up and develop? Let's see him answer that :)

Curtis Rogahn

Does this guy understand any words? Cause he uses a lot of definitions I'm pretty sure aren't right


It appears the OP is being dubbed. His mouth doesnt match the voice over so maybe its a mistranslation?


AntiCitizenX has a really good formulation of the omnipotence problem. “Can god amass a group of rocks so large that he cannot collectively lift them?” It’s not nonsensical like the original because any one of us can do that. I can go outside right now and start collecting rocks in a pile, and eventually, the pile will be so large that I can’t pick it up. This version seemingly brings to light how the idea of infinite power is a nonsense. There has to be a limit somewhere.


I just realized that the excuse that god can only do things that are logically possible means that god is constrained by logic. Not very omnipotent is it?


I just wonder why people always try to say their god is the most of everything. I don't know why they do that. It is like their desire to say their god created everything from nothing. The first verse in the bible in no way says or implies god started from nothing. I think he started with water and darkness.