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So... it's in parts, but the parts are 45 minutes each. Also, I am tired. I tossed everything else away (temporarily) and decided to push super hard and get this done in a few days instead, because I am a dumbass.


As yet untitled clump of cells re-response P1


Curtis Rogahn

All these "I debate atheists" I would LOVE to debate them. Because most of them are YECs, and I am a Christian but believe in the old earth, big bang, etc. I would love to see them try to pull that whole "Oh you just hate god, you're afraid of god, etc" on me.


A Christian patron. That's interesting. Well, nobody can accuse you of closed-mindedness, eh?

Curtis Rogahn

Well I'm more of a Christian deist over anything else. I believe that there is something behind all this, but I'm not really sure what. And Christianity is just the way I work through it. But I'm always open to hearing new lines of thought and the like, so long as everyone is respectful. Like you typically are.


Well, I'm often disrespectful, if I think disrespect is earned. But I won't disrespect you for no reason. Far as I'm concerned you can believe what you like and it doesn't much bother me. Just might snark at you if you start an argument about it.


If you want a shitstorm, tag vegans, anti-vax morons.


Why do you think a deist god exists? The creation myth of genesis was stolen from babylon and cannanite religions and they were polytheists not deists. So your suggestion that you are deist-christian is mutually exclusive.

Curtis Rogahn

Am I not using deist right? I thought it meant a belief in some kind of god-like figure. Cause that's what I believe. That some grander than us supernatural force set everything in motion, and that Christianity is just how I personally make sense of this unknowable being


Because apes are omnivores. And apes that tell other apes they cant eat meat should stfu and go away. You wanna diet? cool, I never wanna hear about it. I dont want you disrupting my food because of your diet anymore than I want your religion impacting my life. You do you and leave everyone else alone and I wont care about Vegans or theists.


I can't see the relation between the two. Your mind works in mysterious ways. Maybe more education on rationality and logic might serve you well.


“I don’t like hearing why I’m wrong, so go away please!” Wow, how rational. Meanwhile, you go on to contribute to unimaginable suffering, just for a tasty steak. And you think WE’RE the ones who won’t leave others alone? Lol!


Nature is suffering. Its how we get food. I reject your bullshit guilt trip attempts. But thanks for proving my point about Vegans. Me eating a steak doesnt affect you, so go away.


So causing suffering is okay because other suffering happens? I really doubt that you really believe that. I would like to think you’re better than that. You (and others like you) eating steak causes unfathomable amounts of sentient beings to be brought into the world just to suffer an unimaginable amount every day of their lives. That absolutely affects me. “Sorry” if describing facts comes across as a “guilt trip”. Perhaps it would help if you weren’t guilty of what I’m describing? Just a thought 🤷‍♂️


First of all *I* am not causing suffering but when I do hunt for my food I am humane about it and do as little suffering as possible, but bravo on assuming. Killing things for food is natural. It is natural for animals, it is natural for apes specifically. We are not doing anything wrong or against nature to survive. No it doesn't affect you. You, in no way are harmed by ME eating a steak outside your MIND. You are whining, that's it. I am not guilty, you are attempting to force it upon me, like priests in religion do. Your religion is veganism and its just a moronic.


Your first paragraph starts with “I’m not causing suffering” and then says, “I cause as little suffering as possible”. Wanna get your story straight before commenting? Is something better because it’s natural? It’s natural to die from diseases, and yet, you mentioned above that you’re in favor of vaccines. Why? That’s unnatural, and unnatural = worse, right? Or do you not actually believe that crap argument? My point was it affects others, and I’m not just gonna “go away” when the defenseless are being tormented. “Your religion is veganism”. Okay Kent.


Yes when I hunt, I am directly causing suffering. I know this might be hard for you to grasp but when I get a burger, im not causing any animal to suffer. Any suffering occurred long before I take a bite. Most people on earth dont hunt daily for all the food they make. I am so sorry I confused you with someone with a fraction of a working brain to put 2 and 2 together. My sincere apologies. I wont make that mistake again. Better because its natural? No. Worse because its natural? No. Its neutral. But you are saying its bad/wrong and its not. You are wrong. What a moronic statement. No strawman, I never said, suggested, or implied that something unnatural was bad/worse. Yes its a crap argument because an idiot made it up. I sure as fuck didnt say it. But thats literally why you strawman'd what I said. Arguing against what I said exposes your stupidity. No, you are going go away from my relative position and thats good enough. You are a shining example of why vegans are seen as idiotic and again proves my point. If Logicked wants to get a shitstorm, he just has to tag vegans and boom. People like you show up and waste peoples time. I dont care if you think my food is defenseless. Most animals in the animal kingdom lose to their predator. Our prey is simply farmed instead of wild because we are smarter than they are. Well some of us are, then there are vegans - like you. Yes you are on a holy crusade against people eating meat and animals. You worship my food as any indian holds cows sacred and defenseless. Your inability to see that is not my problem. Your insults mean nothing. You wouldnt be here if your ancestors didnt eat meat. The fact that you have chosen to abstain, good on you. Have fun. I dont give a shit if you dont want to eat. But you missed that part. *I* am not trying to prevent your moronic ass from eating what you want. Its your diet, just like muslims not eating pork, I think they are stupid for it, but hey more for me! My problem is you thinking you have the right to mess with MY diet because of YOUR diet. This is exactly what theists do. They attempt to force other people to act the way of their religion because they believe its right. Yes your behavior is indistinguishable from that of Christians I have dealt with. Your failure to see that, is your problem, not mine. I will eat two burgers today. One for me and one for you. With extra bacon. Just so any action you think your diet and choices are doing to save anything, is negated. Why? Because you deserve it. When I say go away, I mean stop talking and walk away so I dont have to make you look even more stupid publicly.


Is this how you usually argue? Just fall back to insults and mockery when your bs is called out? I’m sure that’s very effective. When you buy a burger, you’re creating for a demand that requires suffering to supply. The industry then supplies your demand. If people weren’t demanding it, the industry wouldn’t exist. But I’m pretty sure you knew that. “Killing things for food is natural. It is natural for animals, it is natural for apes specifically. We are not doing anything wrong or against nature to survive.” If this paragraph isn’t saying, “natural = not bad”, then you seriously need to work on your communication skills. Seriously, replace “killing things for food” with “not get vaccinated”. It’s the same trash argument.


It’s absolutely amazing to me how angry and irrational people like you get when it’s simply pointed out to you that your lifestyle promotes unnecessary suffering, as well as damage to the environment and your own health. Indoctrination is truly a powerful evil.