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10 Years of Logicked


Lex Gray

Hope you are coming out of this thriving. I can't believe it has been 10 years - I was thinking back to the strewn wreckage of skeptic/atheist YouTube fallout after the beginning, and there are very few who have remained sane, sober, improved, and continued to deliver intelligence and entertainment in an extremely fair way. Keep doing you, and I'll look forward to 20 years of Logicked. Best to all of you <3


It's sad that I can't disagree. Sargon pivoted into political ideology and became a bit of a meme, Thunderf00t mostly seems to be focused on ragging on kickstarters and his hate-boner for Elon Musk completely overtook his channel, The Bible Reloaded had to rebrand themselves and they're all over the place, Armored Skeptic moved away from atheism and mostly does conspiracy theories and cryptids in a weird format, while the old-guard like The Bible Skeptic, King Crocoduck, NonStampCollector, CoolHardLogic, and AnticitizenX more or less disappeared. At this point there are only a few YouTube atheist channels left, and the skeptics aren't much better either.


but can you dance like Gina ;-)


I start following you in 2013. I was getting back in school in a geology tech course and a girl talked about creationism and she wanted to become a public speaker.... yadayadayada.. Could never look at her seriously ever again. Thanks Bud!


Happy New Year Logicked. Here's to ten more. 🍻


I like what TBR became though I do miss the actual bible stuff. And the catchy theme song, haha. There's a lot of newer atheists if that's your thing, but I do agree it's always sad to see a channel you liked end - or lose their goddamn mind, haha.


I must vehemently disagree with one point Logicked, some of us do owe you something! I spent the first 18 years of my life surrounded exclusively by people who believe exactly what Kent and Pendleton preach, in an isolationist school system that taught creationism as established science and presented evolution as a blatant lie pushed by only a fringe minority of scientists. But even so, I had questions and some nagging doubts, and above all knew I'd only heard one side of the debate and so couldn't honestly claim to be sure of any answer. At 17, my desire for self-honesty won out over my fear of what the answers might cost, and so I began researching my questions via my creationist highschool’s library computer instead of doing my schoolwork. Yours was one of the first, and was by far the best, resource that I found in that quest. Your willingness to engage deeply and substantively with the ideas presented, to research every claim with a thoroughness that sometimes bordered on the masochistic, your commitment to rigor and intellectual honesty in addressing all possible interpretations and especially in steelmanning every argument, these were all exactly what I needed to snap me out of the superstitions I’d been raised into. You had my respect from the very beginning because instead of mocking the low hanging fruits you took on the strongest arguments, built them into stronger versions than any creationist had ever conceived, ripped them to shreds with evidence and creative, insightful arguments, and only then hilariously mocked the shit out of them! Even tho I didn’t agree, you laid out your arguments elegantly, thoughtfully and as a sincere seeker of the truth, and as a lover of honest debate I had to keep watching. I think you might be amused to know that soon enough, I wasn’t the only one missing schoolwork for this, as I drew more and more students and teachers into arguments over how any of what we were taught could possibly be true until eventually several entire class periods were spent entirely in this debate, a roomful of students and a teacher vs. Myself. Without your influence at that critical time in my life, I don’t think I would be who I am today. You were my gateway into a whole new world, to wonders and mysteries unfathomable in the myopic creationists tiny toybox version of the world. You introduced me to entirely new ways of thinking about the world, of breaking out of the rigid thought patterns imposed by my religion and you taught me, by example, how to do the same for the other people I have convinced to walk away from that backwards ideology and its self-imposed repression. On top of all that you have provided many years of pure entertainment gold, provoking deep thought, rage and cringing facepalms in equal measure. I’m sorry for the whole novel, I’m just slightly fan-girling out about someone who made a really significant contribution to my life and to whom I somehow feel weirdly a little bit honored to finally be paying back some small part of my debt and gratitude.


I can't believe I've been watching your videos for 6 years! Your comedic presentation, your voice that is just nice to listen to, your great arguments, I love it all. It took a while, but I'm glad that I'm finally old enough and in a position to help support you as thanks for all the good times your videos have given me.


The Donnie of Daytona vids captured me. Not because I knew what the hell you were actually talking about but the time, energy and patience that it took to explain the errors I felt that I would find what I could to support your work and hopefully show my appreciation and thanks.