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You've probably heard by now that Sargon, Milo Yiannopoulos, and James Allsup were banned from Patreon recently. I agree that Patreon should operate neutrally, only taking action in the most extreme cases, and even then only after working personally with the affected creators to give them a chance to appeal and rectify any community guidelines violations. I am very concerned to see them banning people for what they've said or who they associate with. But I am also concerned that people believe boycotting Patreon is a helpful reaction. Boycotting Patreon hardly hurts Patreon financially. The vast majority of your attack is not on the website, but on the creators you don't want banned from it. If you think Patreon wants to silence people who don't conform to their political ideals, for example, then removing your pledge only helps Patreon advance that goal by making it that much harder for people with those non-conforming ideals to continue making a living speaking their mind. Remember, creators take home roughly 95% of all the money paid through this site. When Lauren Southern was banned in July last year, I watched my earnings plummet by hundreds of dollars per video, and not temporarily. I've had to deal with making that much less every single month since. Then I got to experience it double after Patreon's fee structure changes in December of last year. Now I'll get to experience it triple after this new scandal. If what you want is for the patrons you support to survive financially and have their voices heard, boycotting Patreon is the most counterproductive thing you can do. What would hurt Patreon is if creators started to promote a competing platform, but currently there is no real competitor, and we are trapped. I hope this changes someday, and if it does, I'll sign up and promote that other site as an alternative. (Not MakerSupport. That thing was shady and it wanted you to enter your banking info directly on their site just to get paid. Besides which, it's dead now.)
Having said all that, if you still feel that you need to boycott Patreon, but still want to support me, you can set up a monthly Paypal donation here:



I agree, and it sucks that Patreon did that, but no way can I not supporting the people that I do through Patreon because it would hurt them worse.


So why were they band?


Sargon plays stupid games and wins stupid prizes.


You'll still be getting my money. I'll just not be using Patreon to send it.


some people think that the banned people do not deserve to be heard.


I don't agree with anything Milo and James say. I oppose every single idea that I have every heard come from their minds. Sargon can be amusing on occasion, but overall, I don't like his brand of anti-feminism. (I don't like a lot of feminism either) That said. banning them from presenting their ideas is just censorship. I'd rather their ideas be out there, and then debunked and made fun of in the bright sunlight. Punishing Logicked and the other creators I patronise here to try and get Patreon to change its mind would be an even worse idea. Thanks for the heads up Logicked, I'll still be here.


It's definitely counter productive to take it it out on you. I strongly recommend front loading your outro with your Paypal account. Acknowledge the feelings people have regarding Patreon and let everyone know how removing support affects you. That may elicit more former Patreon supporters to drop you a PayPal donation.

Peter Larsen

Social media means having to deal with populism and the rapidly changing mind/goal of the populous. It may not even be something you did - just the wind of change at play. As to the freedom of speech - there are no absolutes. If you use someone else's resources you have to conform to their rules. No different than when you had to get your letter to the editor published - they decided if it was worth publishing - if you were given your 'freedom of speech".


I can't support Patreon any more due to deplatforming of people I support. I've set up the PayPal

Peter Larsen

You do know that PayPal has rules about who can use their service(s) too right?


It's really a bummer that payment processors have become a target for use as a political weapon. I'll definitely switch over for everyone that has provided an alternative. It's not as if I was using any of the reward tiers anyway. It'd be nicer if people had more baskets to choose from. Unfortunately or fortunately it's not easy to become a company that handles the transfer of money...at least if you're trying to do it right. The investment of developing and maintaining something secure isn't exactly cheap, so like big tech companies there aren't a lot of newcomers to the payment processor field. Anyway, Merry (early) Christmas.


I'm definitely not a fan of a lot of Sargon or Milo's viewpoints at all, but they definitely didn't deserve to have crowdfunding weaponized against them. That is NOT how one is supposed to win arguments. That being said, I have no intention of breaking my support of you on Patreon, especially while there isn't a comparable game in town. It's kinda like Youtube... they sadly have a near-monopoly. So, until a better option rolls around, I'll stick with supporting you (and myself) here.