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Maybe some of you didn't see this. Abubaker Siddik from some of my older videos showed up to have a conversation and it was the most fun I've ever had live.

P.S. Real videos imminent. Unusual month for topics: Zelda proves God, Wonder Woman proves God, Hinduism. I may need to upload the Wonder Woman one on a different channel temporarily, since it has movie clips, and a Shia organization linked to Ammar Nakshawani gave me a copyright strike that's not yet resolved. I don't want to suddenly get problems with both Nintendo and Warner Bros. as well and lose my channel from 3 false DMCAs.


Abubaker Siddik talks with me about Islam (ft. Microblogganism)

Abubaker Siddik from my response videos comes to talk about Islam! He joins at 19:53 If you want to donate: https://streamlabs.com/logickedlivestreams Abubaker's channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/mattersinprobe Microblogganism's channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/MicroBlogganism My videos re: Abubaker: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJRsC6eDuVY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYZezD0RcJ8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrmJDtWoets https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zg1aSR1_dPE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34xC_OUtPnA



of course zelda proves god one only need to establish i trinity to have spiritual authority'


This was very interesting to watch. I wonder how many Muslims have such wishy-washy views. It seems to be a pretty common thread on the videos you respond to, the ones not done by professional apologists at least, that they seem to have no idea what they're saying and just grasp at vague concepts that sound nice or feel good and assume that meshes with their religion. Maybe they just reach out to generic spirituality claims to try and mortar the bricks back into place when they notice the house is falling apart. Nice guy though. It's great to see people willing to have actual conversations without just talking past each other or shouting each other down in the modern political climate.


Thanks and I agree, that does seem to be what most ordinary religious people do, at least online. And Abu is very nice - that's why I was so excited to talk to him. I've decided that I'll try to avoid doing the bloodsports type thing and instead discuss/argue calmly when possible. Not always possible, of course - by the end of even this one I was getting frustrated and annoyed.


I'm glad he actually showed up. The tension was pretty palpable at the start there when it seemed like he might be yanking your chain, haha. As for the blood sports thing, yeah I've never really seen the appeal myself. It's like watching the old Jerry Springer shows where people are just yelling at each other and you can't even tell what's being said half the time. Not that having a calm conversation is guaranteed to lead anywhere, particularly when religion is involved, but it's at least far more pleasant to listen to. And I share your frustration, I was talking at the video the whole time just going 'doesn't that refute what you said 5 minutes ago?' and things like that. You were way less direct than I would have been about bringing up the inconsistencies, but at the same time we got to hear his views uninterrupted for the most part, so I guess there's value in that, even if most of it was nonsense.


He was like a nervous rabbit. I didn't want to make any sudden moves and send him running.


Haha, fair enough. He does seem pretty skittish even in his own videos. I hope you get the chance to have live streams with other people you've debunked in the past. Your videos are fun to watch but it's a different sort of entertainment when they have to defend themselves in real time. Gives you a real sense of what they actually believe in day-to-day life since they don't have time to go look up some apologetic boilerplate response.


Yeah. Of course, the problem is my responses will never be as thorough live either. But hopefully I can back them into a corner occasionally. I'll stream with people I've responded to if the opportunity arises.


I have confidence in you! ; ) Really looking forward to the next couple videos though, those topics sound completely nuts. I would never have imagined in my wildest dream that someone would use an obviously fictional character to justify the existence of another one. I'm still boggling.


godless cranium darkmatter2525 and you would make a trinity of athieths if ya'll got together and signed a contract on the 10 commandments of logic theres much more you can do with a trinity including taking other trinities into yours like zedas wisdom links courage and gandolfs power triforce trinity