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I've been losing patrons at a concerning rate lately, so I'm wondering if that's caused by something I'm doing. If you aren't happy as a patron, can you let me know why so I can address it?



I am very satisfied with the content as is. So no idea why ppl are unsubscribing.


as unappealing as the thought of self-promotion and marketing is, I suspect it plays some part in the decline. i was initially moved to become a patron by a combination of your impassioned plea combined with the potential loss of your channel. the response was very good to the plea, and i see the increased content. i deal with the same issue working for a non-profit-- sometimes you need to remind people why they are supporting you and of the good work being done. recognizing patrons at the end of videos is nice, as are the other perks of being a patron-- but it doesn't hurt to remind patrons that in addition to being appreciated, they are also needed. not sure if that made sense so feel free to ignore me, most sane people do.


For the most part, I'm enjoying the content. It has good content, decent variety - not every piece is to my taste (not big on the Armored Skeptic thing) but overall, enjoying it. That said, as above, a lot of people jumped on when you made your plea, and were happy to help out in the short term. But as everyone is in the same position, they may be trying to share their wealth a number of creators.


Logicked, I am not sure what to say about the drop. I have to look into the boycott you were discussing as this is the first I am hearing of it. Your content is fine by me. I am not the artistic type that can do what you do or compete with the Logicked brand in creative ideas. I would like to add that it might be a pattern that you are not used to in pledges, or the time of year when back to school expenses / vacations can undercut your pledges.


I wasn't aware it actually was becoming a boycott but it seems it is, which I find absolutely ridiculous. That's a good point, though - it might be a seasonal thing as well.


I also run a patreon creator page (on separate account). And I can say that I noticed that the initial peak was a few hundred dollars above my eventual plateau. Later that was followed by another higher peak and another dip and plateau after a marketing breakthrough. I find marketing super distasteful, but I have to admit that finding ways to do it is really a must-do at least until you are comfortably past your requirement.


I enjoy what you have been putting out, sure a bit of me misses Kent and John, but I'm glad you are doing what you currently find interesting. Keep up the good work man.


What are the other creators you know saying about this? It may be nesassary to keep the plates spinning, so to speak. Keep selling that logicked brand. I would agree with jonlin above.


I haven't really had my finger on the pulse of things lately. Yeah, marketing seems increasingly necessary.


I've supported several creators on a temporary basis in the past. The one creator that I will support as long as I possibly can is Theramintrees. The videos he makes are next level logic bombs for me. It's always a new philosophical or psychological angle that I hadn't thought of in the past. Having said that, I'm not planning on withdrawing my support here anytime soon.


I like your content quite a bit because of how well sourced it is; i'm going to have to up my pledge after hearing about this. My assumption would be that some people wanted to help when you were asking for the money after the addsense problems but have cooled off since then, a lot of people probably thought of it as more of a fund raiser than a sustained pledge. If that's the case, have you thought of branching out into debunking medical woo or attempting more collaborations to introduce you to a new audience? I wish you luck!


Not sure why this occurred - maybe it's a fluke. I've been a fan of your work since your early series on creationism. And I'm happy to see you return to finish Kent Hovind off. Keep it up!


I'm not sure but i saw this message when i logged into patreon today maybe it's the reason?


"We've started charging patrons for the monthly payments cycle. Please consult our newly updated Help Center if you have any questions!"


what I need is to pay 5 dollars in month not by video


You're the only reason I have a patreon. Not going anywhere. 15 a month, I can skip Mcdonalds once a month for your videos.


But think of that thick, juicy Big Mac! Actually, never mind, forget I said that. Thanks for your support!


I've thought about medical woo but never got around to it. It could be an interesting change of pace.