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Hey everyone, it’s HP here!

I hope you’re all doing well. I’ve got a bit of a bummer to share with you today. You know our guy, Noz, right? Well, his computer decided to throw a tantrum and blew up, of all the times, just before the weekend!

Unfortunately, this means that some of our projects are going to be on hold until we can get that fixed. We’re also exploring if we can set up a temporary workstation for Noz, but as you can imagine, it’s not as simple as it sounds.

But hey, don’t worry! While Noz is wrestling with his rebellious tech, I’ll keep the comic train chugging along. I’ll continue working on our comic and keep the creative juices flowing.

We appreciate your understanding and patience during this time. We’ll keep you updated on the progress and hopefully, we’ll be back to our regular schedule soon.

Best, HP


Joseph Bonnar

I'm sorry to hear that. I'll wait semi-patiently. :)