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Chapter 19 Suddenly QI Refining Stage
It was still the infinite white space full of endless feeling, and still the people that Xing Yun met on the third day of joining the sect three years ago.

It was just that this time was different from the last time. The backbones of the Shang Qing Sects were squatting around the Xing Yun in a circle, looking at him as if they were looking at some rare species. 

From time to time, they would exchange glances that only they could understand the meaning. They seemed to be discussing something, while the hooligan fairy hugged Xing Yun directly in her arms. No matter how hard Xing Yun struggled, he couldn't get rid of the hooligan fairy who was trying to replenish her so-called "Xing Yun Power".

Unable to bear the eyes of these old guys, Xing Yun took the opportunity when the hooligan fairy became relaxed and slipped out of her arms like a loach.

"I mean have you seen enough? You are all supreme elders, okay? Can you pay attention to your image? One by one, squatting in a circle like this, if this is spread out, do you know that it will completely ruin the corporate image of Shang Qing Sect?"

——Actually, the situation in front of Xing Yun was very easy to understand. Imagine all the leaders of every country in the united nation squatted in a circle watching ants crawling on the ground, then you will get the picture.

Anyway, this was how Xing Yun felt.

"Corporate image?" Yun Dan asked curiously.

"It's the overall image of the sect. The corporate image is very important for a sect, right? Now, look at you all..."

"Oh, it's fine," waving his hand indifferently, Yun Dan said while glancing at his Seventh Junior Sister, "With the existence of someone and your master, basically there is no such thing as a corporate image in Shang Qing Sect since thousands of years ago..."

"Hey, hey, hey, what did you say! Is your butt itchy again! ?”

"See, how can Shang Qing Sect still..."


This was the second time that Xing Yun saw the magic weapon, the kitchen knife, was directly embedded into the human head, and the result was that person was still alive and analyzing things.

Forcing himself to think that cultivators would not be killed by a kitchen knife, he ignored this strange scene.

"Er... Have you finished discussing things?"

The sudden seriousness caused several people to nod their heads in response. Xing Yun let out a long sigh of relief.

"Then I need to talk to the seventh martial uncle..."

"Aww, I know this little girl like this elder sister. Look, look, look!"

"Dear Great Beauty Xia, please shut your mouth!!"

"Hey! ?”

Yun Dan glared at his junior sister, then nodded and said: "It's about the practice book, right? In fact, I can answer you. Rest assured, the content recorded in the book doesn't have any problem. You just need to accumulate enough numbers... Cough... Moreover, although the practice method seems slow, it is actually very fast. Because as long as you are in a place that is full of heavens and the earth's spiritual energy, the method will work automatically to help you practice, it's just that..."

"It's just that we all suggest that you control the pace a little bit," Fairy Yun Xia interrupted Yun Dan and said, "More haste, less speed. We hope you can understand this. Little girl, of course, if you want to save one hundred and three thousand, this number... pfft, how did Patriarch come up with such a diseased technique? Who knows how long it will take you?"

As soon as the voice of the hooligan fairy fell, these squatting elders began to sit on the ground and started to discuss with each other. The main subject was the exercise that Xing Yun practiced now. In terms of the specific content...

"It is actually not that surprising. After all, the person who created this strange method was the Patriarch who used that kind of strange excuse to point the senior brother as the successor of the sect leader. Pfft..."

"Actually, I feel that the Patriarch is so wise, most people can't think of this, pfft."

"Can you watch out for what you are saying? That's the Patriarch... Pfft."

"Well, what Old Six said makes sense, pfft."

"In fact, this sister, I think Patriarch is just a more casual person. You see, the method is actually still very powerful, self-cultivation, pfft."

"I, I……"

"Stutter Shut up!" x5

Except for the fifteenth martial uncle who had no chance to say it, basically, everyone was trying very hard to hold back their smile, so Xing Yun suddenly realized something.

"So it turns out that I am your test subject? Do you believe that I will run away from the sect now? "

To be honest, Xing Yun was indeed a bit angry at the thought of this, but with only one sentence said by the second supreme elder, his anger quickly calmed down.

"Xing Yun, have you ever heard of the term 'Natural Dao Body'?"

Xing Yun originally wanted to nod his head. He had read a lot of novels before, not only had he heard of this, but he had also heard of the titles that sounded very cool like such as The Venerable Gods Of Two Polarities, and The Indestructible Immortal Constitution, bla bla bla... But he still controlled his desire to admit it, because it might not be the same as those he had heard.

Then Yun Dan simply explained that it was actually the same...

Xing Yun almost yelled, 'you must be kidding me.'

Yun Dan did not continue to talk about these details but gave him a jade slip, and everything he wanted to know was written in it.

"Okay, let's talk about why you come here?"

After hesitating for a while, Xing Yun still pulled the hooligan fairy aside and only told her the things he had speculated.

While listening to Xing Yun explaining his guess, Fairy Yun Xia's expression did not change in any way.

After confirming that Xing Yun didn't have anything else to say, she took him back to the side of the elders.

Seeing her throwing out her proudly, Old Six's face instantly darkened, "Just say what you want to say... There is no need to throw out your chest..."

"See, I told you that Xing Yun this little girl is as smart as you all. Yes, this little girl has guessed what we were just discussing by simply relying on the remaining fragments in the Divine Sense."

As soon as this remark came out, Xing Yun instantly felt that his hair stood on end. Oh shit, I am in big trouble...

Nodded with the others, Yun Xia left the side hall with Xing Yun directly and returned to Xing Yun's residence on a flying sword.

After closing the door, the hooligan fairy showed a rare seriousness.

"Little girl, don't worry, now your master's injury has been stabilized, and he will come back to see you when he is fully recovered. And as you guessed it, he did not come back because he was indeed worried that his injury would make some people have some ideas. After all, there will be a big competition soon, so..."

"So I arranged these for the next seven years."

After Xing Yun told his decisions and some special future "arrangements" that he planned to the hooligan fairy, this elder sister suddenly smiled. Yes, the smile was particularly creepy.

But in this smile, Xing Yun also sensed something.

"You are truly worthy of this elder sister's care. So cute. Okay, now be mentally prepared, your sister, I plan to tell you a piece of news that will scare you to death."

In fact, Xing Yun felt that he would not be surprised even if she opened her mouth and said, 'the old tortoise egg knows that you are a transmigrator.' After all, the old man knew more about his origin than he himself.


"I mean, big beautiful sister, when you are talking about serious things... Can you be more graceful?"

Looking at the hooligan fairy who was about to scratch her foot with her hand, Xing Yun felt like he was about to fall apart.

Chapter 20: The Journey To The Sect's Secret Realm 
The so-called news that could shock Xing Yun to death Fairy Yun Xia said was: She practiced the same method as Xing Yun.

That's right, it was the "One hundred and three thousand great paths lead to one path" that was able to accumulate cyclones in the Elixir Field during the Qi refining stage. This was one of the main reasons why this hooligan sister has been clinging to Xing Yun non-stop.

Cultivators attached great importance to inheritance, and the appearance of Xing Yun not only allowed Fairy Yun Xia to see her successor, but it also made her faintly feel that she had found the same kind.

Of course, Xing Yun thought that her feelings should actually be called: Misery loves company.

But in any case, the news did shock Xing Yun, even though this elder sister said the shocking news while scratching her feet...

"Now you know why sister I care about you little girl so much, right? Seeing you, it's like seeing the image of this elder sister back then. Oh my, I was also pretty like a flower back then hahahahaha... cough, cough..."

She was probably the only cultivator who could choke on laughs.

After chatting for a while about the views and questions raised by Xing Yun before, Fairy Yun Xia left his residence after giving her cultivation experience to Xing Yun. What could be confirmed in this conversation was that the secret realm inside the sect would open soon, and Xing Yun would take advantage of this opportunity to explore the secret realm and begin to build his reputation.

The only uncertainty was why he suddenly entered the Qi refining stage.

Fairy Yun Xia admitted that she didn't forget that place but she was too lazy to draw that place.

However, no matter what the reason, there was nothing strange there.

Therefore, the opportunity for Xing Yun had, which allowed him to enter the Qi Refining stage, could only be temporarily attributed to the word destiny.

It really worked in a mysterious way.

Xing Yun would not agonize himself over the things that he couldn't figure out, so after a brief thought, he entered a state of cultivation.

When he woke up from the practice, it was already early the next day. What surprised him was that the one-night practice made the cyclone run more smoothly, and the true energy he could mobilize was a lot more.

But what surprised him the most in the morning was the efficiency of the martial uncles.

Although those old guys seemed to be unreliable, they were still quite serious and responsible when it came to business matters.

So under the leadership of Yun Xia who came to pick him up, he came to the Shang Qing Palace, which was the most central palace inside the Shang Qing Sect.

"Has the announcement been put out?" Entering the hall, Fairy Yun Xia yelled.

"Put, put, put out already..."

The Fifteenth Supreme Elder, who was giving out orders, originally spoke very fluently, but hearing the shout, she suddenly started to stutter again.

From this situation, Xing Yun could not help but maliciously speculate whether his fifteenth martial uncle's stuttering was caused by the hooligan fairy.

"Okay, you haven't forgotten that the requirement for the highest cultivation base to be only the foundation establishment stage, right? By the way, this time, anyone who is already. at or below the foundation establishment either inside the sect or outside the sect can participate. We can also use this opportunity to screen those good disciples for each mountain. It is really easy to not have enough people for the inner sect competition."

"Mhm, I, I have also added the requirement for not bringing any magic  artifacts that are above the lower-grade..."

"I'm done with the screening artifact. Old Seven, take a look first and see if there is anything missing."

Catching the magic mirror thrown by the fourth supreme elder, lightly sweeping past it with a slender hand, the magic mirror suddenly released a soft light. As this light radiated on everyone in the hall, almost instantaneously, the body of every supreme elder bloomed with dazzling brilliance.

At the same moment, Xing Yun let out a short groan,  Fuck, I'm blind, blind, blind... my eyes!

Looking at the shining glow on Xing Yun's body, the hooligan fairy took out a file from her cleavage and poked the back of the magic mirror.

Suddenly, Xing Yun's clothes no longer flashing the dazzling light.

"All good. Later on, hang this magic mirror in the secret realm so we will be able to find out who brought the banned items at a glance."


After finishing this, the hooligan fairy went to other places to check things, leaving Xing Yun alone here and letting him fend for himself.

Xing Yun actually liked this way much better. This kind of behind-the-scenes busy scene was quite rare. He found a corner where he would not disturb others' work, squatting there eating the Fasting Aid Ball while enjoying the hard work of these old guys.

After busy working until noon, all the preparations were completely completed, and at this time, Xing Yun discovered that the square outside the main hall was also full of disciples with the highest cultivation base at the peak of foundation establishment.

Those disciples were either talking in twos and threes, or looking curiously at the hall where Xing Yun was. Obviously, they were really surprised why the sect suddenly decided to open the secret realm. Although it seemed a little disorganized, it wasn't chaotic. Those disciples were divided into more than a dozen teams according to the different mountains. Each team had its own characteristics. For example, each disciple of the Sword Peak carried a long sword, and the disciples of the Misty Peak were all elegant and graceful like celestial beings.

There were also some disciples that Xing Yun had never seen before, such as those holding a calabash or playing with a small furnace, they should be the disciples of the  Divine Farmer Peak.

Those with expressionless faces and faces that wrote that I once had a dark history... well, they were from the Formless Peak.

However, what made Xing Yun most concerned about was the two special teams. One was a team composed of only female disciples. The young ladies and sisters got together and chatted together like little birds. If their leader hadn't had the foresight and set up the sound restriction, probably the disciples of this peak would've been the first to be kicked out because of being too noisy...

The other was a team that had a relatively small number of people. These disciples, regardless of male and female, had roguish looks, and their eyes had never moved away from the magic items of other people...

"Those are the disciples of the Star Picking Peak, you can just regard them as a group of thieves raised by our Shang Qing Sect. They all practice very special skills."

Xing Yun: “……”

After these disciples, there were those outer disciples.

The outer disciples were not divided by each peak. They were simply divided into Zither, Chess, Calligraphy and Painting, Plum, Orchid, Bamboo, and Chrysanthemum, eight... Bah! This was called simple?

Xing Yun directly stuffed the information brochure given to him by the hooligan sister into the interspatial pouch, and sat on the floor of the inner hall casually, waiting for the secret realm to open.

Not long after, the melodious bell rang, and the pleasant celestial music echoed in the square.

The older disciples became serious immediately after hearing this signal, and the newer disciples stopped whispering when they saw the reactions of the older disciples.

From a distance, Xing Yun saw a dozen or so celestial and misty people flying toward the square. They wore different dresses, and the signs on their chests were completely different.

Each person's sign represented the main peak they were in charge of, and behind them, some people slowly revealed their figures.

Since the first batch were mountain leaders, those who came out later were naturally the elders.

Abruptly, a great sword flew across the sky above the square, and bursts of sword rings instantly suppressed the melodious celestial sound.

The sword light dissipated, and Xing He stood in front of the hall with his hands clasped behind his back.

"I believe that every mountain leader and hall leader has already informed their disciples about the necessary details. As the sect leader, I will just say a few words."

"First, I wish all of you disciples to achieve satisfactory results in the secret realm of the sect and become a powerful force in the time of inner sect competition."

"Second, life and death, poor or rich, it's all destined, so let's not waste time talking nonsense her and open the secret realm!"

Covering his face, Xing Yun felt that the corporate culture of the Shang Qing Sect was really hopeless...

Chapter 21: The Journey To The Sect's Secret Realm 
With a clear shout from the sect leader Xing He, the ground under the feet of the disciples suddenly lit up with a bright light. The sudden flash made even these beginner cultivators temporarily blind, and when the light spread to the entire square, these disciples fell directly into the light.

Yes, that's right, they fell directly.

Just like the ground underneath was swallowed by the light, the disciples who had lost their foothold were "thrown" into the light without any warning...

Xing Yun was stunned by this scene. Before the secret realm was opened, he had imagined many possibilities. For the sake of style, he even imagined a magnificent scene- Martial Uncle Yun Dan waved his hand, and the landscape paint scroll of mountains and rivers instantly turned into a large curtain in the sky; the rays of light shot out from the scroll, shrouded each disciple, and dragged them into the mysterious world that seemed to be true and illusory.

Don't you think that this kind of scene was particularly majestic and magnificent?

But who would have thought that the second martial uncle would yell, "Off you go, you little rascals!" directly beside him. , and then these people were thrown into a hole by him?

Where was the demeanor of a transcendent being? What about the dignity and face of being a cultivator?

My beautiful fantasy...

"Don't just stare at it blankly, off you go too!"

Before entering the strong light, Xing Yun's only feeling was he got special treatment - he was kicked in by his second martial uncle.

"All done... Wait, Old Seven, I can explain. If I didn't kick him... No, there is no need for violence, listen to me... no!"

How the hooligan Fairy punished the sect leader for him, Xing Yun didn't know at this time, but he didn't think much about it because he was falling rapidly. The strong whirring wind was blowing hard toward his face, seeing the ground getting closer and closer, but his body was completely out of control.



It took a long time before he got up from the ground. Then the first thing Xing Yun did was to change his outfits similar to those of ordinary disciples.

He covered his head with the hood, pressed it down hard, and confirmed that his face would not be recognized at the first glance; then he began to look at the surrounding environment.

This place named "Qing Xu Secret Realm" was basically indistinguishable from the little world of the Shang Qing Sect. The quiet environment was like a paradise away from the crowds.

Holding a few Thunder Talismans in his hand, Xing Yun took a step forward and began to execute his plan to get familiar with other disciples.

Similar to the simplest secret realm requirements in the usual settings of Xianxia novels, each disciple who entered the secret realms only needed to find his own fortuitous encounter; the time limit was nine days and the fight between each disciple was allowed.

There was no limit to the severity of the fight, but every disciple should try their best not to kill fellow disciples.

From this, it could be seen that Shang Qing Sect would not over-protect its own disciples. The journey of cultivation was extremely difficult and dangerous. Sooner or later, one would encounter bloodshed.

Xing Yun had no opinion on this; he had his own pride, and this condition also allowed him to more easily distinguish between the enemy and the friend and complete his plan more smoothly.

Trying to stay hidden while moving for a long time, Xing Yun did not meet a disciple from the sect. There were at least thousands of disciples who joined this small trial, and they were all scattered randomly, but he still hasn't encountered anyone. This showed how vast this secret realm was.

Of course, it could temporarily prove that the cultivator had an excellent physique, and no one had died from falling...

After continuing to move for a while, he came to a lake, then he finally encountered something.

The surface of the lake was very calm, without any waves, and on a small island in the center of it, there were strange-shaped plants growing. The plants were white and resembled flowers. In the light reflected by the lake surface, those plants gave off a feeling that they were made of clear crystals. The color of the flower stamen was purple and slightly greenish, and they were swaying slowly in the breeze.

The four disciples were confronting each other by the lake, obviously, they all wanted to obtain those strange flowers.

"Tranquil Crystal Bluegrass is very useful to our Divine Farmer Peak at refining medicine. We hope that the senior brother of the Formless Peak can kindly give the opportunity to us."

An inner disciple of the Divine Farmer Peak made a fist-and-palm salute and said, and the two female disciples beside him also made the same hand gesture.

The disciple of the Formless Peak. “……”

"Senior brother, don't worry, I will deliver half of it to you after refining the pill."

The disciple of the Formless Peak still kept that silent state.

With all the polite words were said, at this point, one of the female disciples was not happy.

"We have already said all the kind words, and concessions have been made. Senior Brother, if you disagree, then let's compete."

"Yes, let's compete. Whoever is stronger has the final say." Another female disciple echoed.

At this time, the Formless Peak's disciple finally had a reaction. He raised his finger to the Tranquil Crystal Bluegrass and then pointed to the water of the Lake.

Finally, he pointed to himself.

"So the Senior Brother is planning to compete..."

Before he finished speaking, the Formless Peak's disciple took a step back and turned around to leave the place.

"Thank you, senior brother."

The leading Divine Farmer peak's disciple was also very straightforward. After thanking him, he controlled his true qi, sending strength to his legs suddenly, and suddenly rushed towards the small island in the lake.

With the help of true qi, his body was very light; when falling, his feet lightly tapped the surface of the lake, then he jumped up again. In just a few leaps, he arrived at the island in the center of the lake.

Carefully picked some Tranquil Crystal Bluegrass and put them into the jade box, and then leaped to the shore again with true qi.

But at this moment, the accident happened.

The originally quiet lake water instantly boiled, and the violent surface of the lake suddenly disrupted the balance at the feet of the disciple who took the flower. Then, a jet of water rushed the unbalanced disciple into the sky. Amidst the rumbling movement, a huge water beast rushed out of the lake.

The dense scales glowed with cold luster, and the open bloody mouth was full of sharp fangs.

The two female disciples of the Divine Farmer Peak were stunned by the sudden change. Just when the male disciple was about to be swallowed, the facial paralysis disciple finally took action.

He rushed to the flower fetching disciple, his figure left a series of afterimages in the air.

The speed of the facial paralysis disciple was extremely fast, but the water beast reacted even more quickly.

It temporarily gave up swallowing the flower-fetching disciple, its thick flat tail swung suddenly, and it smashed the facial paralysis disciple, sending him flying.

However, taking this opportunity, the flower-fetching disciple returned to the shore safely, but unfortunately, the jade box containing the Tranquil Crystal Bluegrass was swallowed by the water beast.


The sound of something heavy falling into the water sounded, and a large amount of lake water was lifted into the sky.

The terrified female disciples hurriedly thanked the disciple who saved them, but before she could finish her words, a huge shadow suddenly enveloped her head.

Under the cover of the water splash, the water beast had actually stepped onto the shore. With its stubby but powerful limbs supporting its huge body, the big mouth that exuded a fishy smell was directed towards the female disciple closest to the lake.

It was too late for the facial paralysis disciple to rescue them. Her senior brother who was stunned for a moment wanted to rescue her, but it was still a step too late.

But at the moment she was about to be swallowed, a charming figure flashed past in front of the three of them, and that figure quickly snatched the female disciple from the mouth of the water beast. After missing the bite, the water beast made a terrifying roar.



The quiet sound of the tongue-clicking sound sounded, and the savior clashed with the beast that the other four people couldn't deal with.

"Go! Are you waiting to die!"

Chapter 22: The Journey To The Sect's Secret Realm 
There was no clear mark on the clothing, which made it difficult for the four of them to tell which mountain school the disciple who had helped them belonged to.

Among them, the female disciple who spoke rather unmannerly wanted to help this person but was stopped by her senior brother. The senior brother immediately took the two junior sisters and left the place after doing a fist-and-palm salute to the back of that person.

The disciple of the Formless Peak didn't hesitate and also instantly left this area.

The person who came was naturally Xing Yun. Seeing that these four were running faster than anyone else, he almost jumped and cursed.

Didn't they know that it was merely a courtesy talk? Was it really necessary to treat it so seriously?

Of course, people were gone now, saying anything would be useless at this moment, so Xing Yun vented all the anger on this extremely ugly water beast.

It just so happened that he also wanted to test what his level was after he had true qi.

Controlling those cyclones, the surging qi gushing from them suddenly flowed over his limbs. Agilely dodging the tail attack of the water beast, he slammed his fist heavily on the hard scale armor.



This sound was made by Xing Yun while frowning, and the powerful, heavy blow driven by the true qi knocked back the huge water beast, but the counter-shock force brought by the scales also hurt him quite badly.

Originally, he wanted to take out a flying sword from the interspatial pouch; but when he just touched the pouch, he suddenly remembered that he had never put a flying sword in it at all.

He slapped his forehead in frustration. Wrapping his true qi on his fists, he resumed his action of venting his anger...

To be honest, Xing Yun didn't think this seemingly fierce water beast was really strong, at least it lay on the ground and covered its head with a big tail, and admitted defeat after a dozen minutes of beating.

Not only did it admit defeat but it also offered the Tranquil Crystal Bluegrass with its two claws obediently.

This made it difficult for Xing Yun to judge its strength and his own strength.

Be lenient wherever it is possible. Seeing it gave up fighting, Xing Yun did not continue to educate it.

After resolving the matter, Xing Yun planned to find a place to replace the unmarked standard robes he was wearing. All he had thought earlier was not revealing his identity for the time being for safety; however, in this way, the purpose of this trip would be difficult to achieve.

However, at this moment, the disciple of Formless Peak suddenly appeared in front of him.

He politely made a   fist-and-palm salute, and then tried his best to squeeze words out of his mouth, 

 "This... senior brother, can..."

"You want Tranquil Crystal Bluegrass? Formless Peak's cultivation method is really something else. You guys even need a Death Flower for your cultivation."

With that said, Xing Yun generously threw the jade box to the disciple.

“……? ? ?”

Taking off her hood, Xing Yun smiled slightly: "Do you think I need this stuff?"

The disciples of the Formless Peak continued to have many question marks.

Xing Yun felt that his reputation in the sect should be quite high. After all, he appeared twice in the crowd with Xing Ya.

But the person in front of him still didn't know him, which was really sad... no, it was really surprising!

Pointing at himself, Xing Yun asked curiously, "You don't know me?"

This time, this disciple of the Formless Peak finally nodded in response.

Suddenly remembering that this disciple belonged to the Formless Peak, Xing Yun came to realize why he didn't know anything about him. "Oh, my name is Xing Yun, you can call me Little Martial Granduncle."

After saying that, Xing Yun directly controlled his true qi and turned into a phantom and disappeared in front of him, ignoring the disciple's reaction.

He still had a lot to do, and he didn't have so much time to chat with a disciple.

After searching for a while, this time, Xing Yun saw the scene of two disciples fighting. And he was quite familiar with one of the disciples - the outer sword cultivator who asked Xing Ya for advice three years ago.

Three years had passed, and he has now become an inner disciple of the Sword Peak. Although he has not formally broken through the foundation establishment stage and entered the stage of the path of Void Core, it was obvious that this person was much stronger than three years ago.

However, even so, he was still being suppressed at this time.

His opponent was a graceful-looking young master of the same cultivation level. With this kind of pretentious gracefulness that only made people want to punch him in the face, Xing Yun could tell that it was the person from Clasping The Moon Peak.

This young master held a folding fan with the inscription in his hand, and every time he waved it, a ray of light would roll towards the sword cultivator.

Those rays of light were like the pieces of clothes that couldn't be shredded, absorbing all the attacks of the sword cultivator disciple.

The sword cultivator's sharp attack ability completely lost its original power in front of these rays of light.

After looking at the fight from afar for a long time, Xing Yun still couldn't tell why the two men were fighting. It was only when he got a little closer, that he felt the killing intent from the disciple of Clasping The Moon Peak.

Could this sword cultivator brother had a death feud with this person?

There was indeed a feud, but it was not caused by the sword cultivator.

Taking out a ring that broke the restriction from the interspatial pouch, the disciple from the Clasping The Moon Peak finally spoke:

 "This interspatial ring is enough to be regarded as a fortunate encounter in the Qing Xu Secret Realm, dying over it can be considered to be a good ending for you."

"Hmph! Traitor!"

The sword cultivator disciple still looked very cold, even if he was being suppressed, he was still unyielding like a sword.

"Traitor? This Junior Brother, you are just joking, right?" With a contemptuous smile, the disciple of the Clasping The Moon Peak shook his head, "I am not a disciple of the Shang Qing Sect, so how can I be a traitor?

Originally, I would get rid of you this top-notch disciple through the inner sect competition. But who would have thought that I would encounter such a great opportunity to enter the Qing Xu Secret Realm, Junior Brother... No, Tong Tianhao, if you want to blame, then blame your amazing talent. "

After saying, this spy of other sects waved his fan forcefully.

Those rays of light suddenly tightened under his control. In a short while, the rays of light wrapped the sword cultivator disciple named Tong Tianhao into a colorful cocoon.

The light cocoon was shrinking, if Tong Tianhao couldn't break free, then he would be squeezed into a bloody twisted meatball

Xing Yun didn't expect to meet a spy lurking inside the sect so soon. After hesitating for a short moment, he decided to temporarily suppress the kindness in his heart.

Whether this sword cultivator could survive or not all depended on his luck.

Speeding up all the cyclones in the Elixir Field, the torrent of true qi quickly gushed out. With this sudden burst of power, Xing Yun came to the back of the spy in the blink of an eye; with his five fingers folded into a palm, he struck the spine of the spy, aiming to destroy the Elixir Field of the spy from the back.


Blood bloomed like a flower, and the spy's body was penetrated by Xing Yun's arm.

The Elixir Field was physically destroyed, causing the running true qi to move out of control inside the person's body. A scary feeling came from the spy, instinctively, Xing Yun pulled out his hand and jumped away from him.


The impact of the explosion swept a radius of several meters around the spy, and the violent explosion also blasted the spy into pieces.

Xing Yun glanced at his blood-stained right arm with fear lingering in his heart and his face instantly darkened.

"Martial, martial granduncle! ?”

At this time, Tong Tianhao’s voice came into Xing Yun’s ears. He raised his head and glanced at the sword cultivator disciple who had escaped from the cocoon. Raising his hand, he made a "don’t come near me" gesture. Then he turned around and found a tree. When he opened his mouth, what appeared first was a soul-shocking roar.




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