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Chapter 16 Suddenly Cultivating Qi Inexplicably

Because of this strange situation, Xing Yun decided to temporarily stop strolling around and let Xing Ya send him back first.

Seeing that Xing Yun suddenly entered the qi refining stage, this senior sister also didn't plan to change his mind. She simply made a fist-and-palm salute and disappeared all of sudden. When she appeared again after a while, she had a small and delicate jade stone in her hand.

"Junior Sister, sorry to keep you waiting for a long time, I just stole a cloud from the fifteenth martial uncle..."

Xing Yun: “……”

While talking, Xing Ya extended his Divine Sense into this jade stone, activating this ownerless magic weapon.

Seeing that cloud's original body turned out to be just a round, smooth jade stone, Xing Yun sighed that this senior sister was really capable of causing trouble, and also sighed that the world of cultivators was really magical.

Who would have thought that this normal-looking jade stone was actually a tool that could spew out a large cloud, and cultivators could even stand on this cloud and use it as a transportation tool?

If every normal looking stuff had a special ability in the cultivation world, then Xing Yun felt that in the future, if he walked past some Taoist temples, he would have to pay attention to everything. Maybe someone's ordinary-looking incense burner was actually a treasure...


Knowing that the Junior Sister had unexpectedly entered the Qi refining stage, Xing Ya naturally sent Xing Yun back to his residence as quickly as possible.

"Junior Sister, this is a Fasting Aid Pill. Your body still needs nutrition, so this can meet your body needs for a few months."

Throwing a fist-sized medicine ball into Xing Yun's hand, Xing Ya continued to search in the interspatial pouch.

"Master said that you should not be disturbed by the outside world as much as possible during the initial qi refining stage, so this is the formation flag to disperse other people... Oh, right, you still can't use the restraint spell, then leave it to this Senior Sister! Okay, now go and consolidate your cultivation stage!"

After speaking, she didn't give Xing Yun any chance to respond and pushed him into the room.

Then he pulled it back in an instant again.

"Wa! Almost forgot! This is the Body-Cleansing Pill! You must put it in your mouth, but don't swallow it!"

While Xing Yun was spinning, she stuffed a small red pill directly into his mouth and then flung him along the inertia of the spinning. Then Xing Yun staggered back into the room.

After Xing Yun finally stopped spinning, the sound of closing doors rang out behind him, and...

The movement of the big iron chain locking the door! ?

He sighed heavily and put aside the Fasting Aid Pill that was as big as a steamed bun. He was too lazy to complain about anything at this moment. Since the moment he entered the sect, everything he has seen was contrary to what he had read in Xianxia novels.

Sitting back on the bed, Xing Yun let out a soft sigh, and then made the golden cyclone rotate automatically and rhythmically according to the way of qi movement recorded in the golden book in his sea of consciousness, and started to recall what he had just seen with the Body-Cleansing Pill in his mouth.

This practice book called "One hundred and three thousand great paths lead to one path" was made by the old man’s Spiritual Sense, so theoretically, maybe what he had just seen was what really happened at that time, as for what he thought he had seen at that time? Xing Yun felt that it might be that the old man had given him a fake memory.

Xing Yun couldn't figure out why the old man wanted to do it for the time being, but it was not difficult to guess that he may have seen something that he shouldn't have seen, for example, the bloody scene of the old man fighting with someone.

This was not important, as long as he saw the old man in the future, he could ask him himself.

Therefore, the key question came.

What was it just now that gave him the opportunity to trigger that book and let him enter the Qi Refining stage?

The old man left quickly after returning to the sect. Was it because he was actually seriously injured and didn't want the people in the Shang Qing sect to know?

Was the hooligan fairy leaving quietly related to the old man's injury?

It seemed that the old man was guided by something to pick him up, so what was that guiding thing?

For the first time, Xing Yun felt that he wasn't smart enough. He could temporarily fool himself using the excuse that "fate works in a mysterious way" for other things, but those things, he couldn't fool himself that way.

Guiding, being injured, picking up, disappearing, the so-called great fortunate encounter that they couldn't disclose, the unexpected illusion he encountered, and coincidentally, he entered the Qi Refining stage...

After connecting all these problems with the information that he had already known and drawing possible inferences, he made a decision.

He needed to practice his cultivation method first.

If the old man was really injured, he couldn't just ignore it. Supreme Elders elders were the backbones of the sect. If this matter was known by outsiders, Shang Qing Sect would definitely be coveted by other sects. Considering what the hooligan fairy told him to do before, he felt that maybe these spies were placed in the sect as some kind of informant.

However, in the world of cultivators, the level of cultivation was the foundation of self-protection. If he wanted to figure out these, especially to investigate and understand the light that could lead the old man to pick him, he certainly needed strength.

So the most important thing he needed to do at this moment was to improve his cultivation level as much as possible. It was a matter of his origin.

As for the matter that the hooligan fairy assigned to him...

Ten years was not long, but it was enough for him to do something.

"Wah! What's so smelly!"

The unbearable smell awakened Xing Yun from the state of thinking, suddenly opened his eyes and jumped out of bed, he found that the whole room was full of that strong pungent odor.

After searching for a long time without finding the source of the smell, Xing Yun realized what he had in his mouth.

Body-Cleansing Pill.

If what he thought wasn't wrong, the source of the special smell that would appear wherever he went should actually be himself...

No wonder wherever he went had the same level of smell!

Arriving before the Bronze Mirror, as expected, he had already become coal Miner.

Taking off the dirty Heavenly Mountain ice silkworm clothing, Xing Yun picked up a file and went to the "bathroom."

Saying that it was a bathroom, in fact, it was only a stone reservoir, a large bronze mirror, and a well with running water all the year round. Looking at himself in the mirror surrounded by a dark shell, Xing Yun resolutely rubbed the file against his body.

By the way, that file was used by the hooligan fairy to rub her toenails and forgot to bring it back last time, but Xing Yun didn't know it and thought it was a tool she had prepared for him...

After a burst of loud noises, Xing Yun dropped the broken file, sitting on the ground and cursing in his heart. Sure enough, being able to wash away the dirt at will in the novel was a lie...

Wait a minute! ?

Wash off?

Twitching the corners of his mouth, he finally filled the stone reservoir, then slowly soaked in the clear and cold water.

After waiting for a while, he found that the clear water hadn't changed at all. After climbing out of the pool, Xing Yun suddenly cursed loudly.

"Sure enough, it's all just a- huh! ?”

The corners of his eyes glanced at a crack in the arm in the mirror on his neck, and he subconsciously raised his hand to peel it. With a strange noise and a tingling feeling, Xing Yun directly tore off a big chunk of the black impurities. 

"Oh! As expected of a protagonist. Even the cleanup after body cleansing is different than other people..."

While sighing so, Xing Yun began to clean up the impurities from other parts of his body.

Chapter 17 Suddenly QI Refining Stage

The impurity shells after being immersed in water could be easily torn off. It didn't take long for Xing Yun to clean himself. After washing himself with water again, he came to the bronze mirror again. Then he noticed that he seemed to have become smaller.

He ran out and put on a new Taoist robe. Without looking in the mirror, he could use the label of the dress that said five-year-old to tell himself that what he saw was not an illusion.


Using weird expressions such as "good things come in small packages" and "after removing the impurities, the body must comply with the law of conservation of mass" to convince himself not to care about this matter, Xing Yun cleaned up the dirty bedsheet and the clothing, and then sat cross-legged in place, and entered the state of inner vision.

This state was very miraculous, but what made him feel even more miraculous was the tremendous changes that had taken place in his Elixir Field during the time he was thinking about the problem.

Normally, as the spiritual energy was drawn in, the initial cyclone would become larger and larger, until it filled the entire Elixir Field and stopped rotating, which was regarded as the peak of the Qi Refining stage. At this time, one could consider making a breakthrough and turn the cyclone into a liquid state to enter the foundation establishment stage, preparing for advancing toward the Void Core Stage.

After the true qi was liquefied, not only could it make the true qi more condensed, but it could also produce a very small amount of True Vital Energy.

These scarce Vital Energy could be said to be the life-saving capital of the novice cultivators, and Xing Yun intended to do the things agreed at this stage.

However, looking at a large number of small golden cyclones, Xing Yun couldn't find any words that could express his feeling.

What the hell! ?

I thought my little cyclone was going to grow bigger! ?

However, not only did it not grow bigger, but it also split up so many of them. 

Subconsciously, Xing Yun thought of the word "Qi Deviation", and quickly entered his sea of consciousness to search for the golden book.

After entering the stage of Qi Refining, Xing Yun was finally able to open the second page of the book.

In other words, when he reached the stage of Qi Refining, that book automatically unlocked the content of the second page.

"When you entered the Qi Refining stage, if you found that the cyclone did not grow but was split into many of them, don't panic." The voice echoing in his mind was still the old man's. This may be a recording mode, Xing Yun couldn't hear a trace of emotion from it. "When there are one hundred and three thousand cyclones, you have reached the stage where you can make a breakthrough. Now, keep practicing hard."

After listening to this recording, Xing Yun was stunned for a long time.

There were indeed many cyclones in his Elixir Field, but one hundred thousand three... Xing Yun felt that at least he didn't have that many at the moment and if he actually had that many, it could fill the entire Elixir Field.

This conjecture was confirmed on the second page of the book. In addition to confirming this point, Xing Yun also saw a message that made him want to curse.

"I, your master, don't understand this ten thousand three thousand path cultivation methods. For the rest of the details, you can ask your martial uncle Yun Xia, she knows a lot about this..."

There was a line of vague writing behind, but it was too scribble and there were traces of deliberate smearing, it was difficult for Xing Yun to understand the meaning.

After exiting from the Sea of Consciousness, Xing Yun moved his body slightly, and felt no different from before, except for being even cutter and getting even smaller...

Judging from the degree of dust accumulation in the room, he felt that it must have been a long time since he shut himself in the room. In any case, he still had to go out and say hello to those martial uncles. As for the things that he thought of, Xing Yun did not plan to say it. Since the hooligan fairy left secretly, she definitely didn't want anyone in the sect to speculate about the matter, so it was better to wait for her to come back and ask her in person.

Xing Yun didn't forget that the door seemed to be locked by the dummy senior sister, so he circulated the true qi in the body slightly. It was easy, then he removed the door.

The movement of the door opened shocked Xing Ya, who was meditating and adjusting her breath not far away. She opened her eyes suddenly; a sword intent suddenly soared into the sky, the scorching heat wave instantly swept all around, and the sound of the sword ringing echoed in the air. Under this powerful aura, if Xing Yun hadn't already had some foundation, he would've instantly become a Xing Yun Ball.

The soaring sword intent suddenly converged after Xing Ya noticed the existence of Xing Yun, and disappeared like nothing had happened.

When trotting to Xing Yun, Xing Ya looked at him in shock: "Junior Sister, you actually kept yourself locked up for three years!"

"It was you who-! Wait a minute... Three years! ?”

"Yeah, I have been staying here to protect you for three years. I didn't expect you to consolidate for so long." Xing Ya nodded, but she didn't seem to understand Xing Yun's reaction. "Three years is actually not that long. Don't be so shocked. I actually just woke up too..."

'So this sister, are you guarding me or taking your afternoon nap?'

'No, wait... It is indeed three years later, I should be a nine-year-old, how come my body became even smaller!' ?

"By the way, Junior Sister, are you hungry? I still have Fasting Aid Pills." Then she took out a fist-sized Fasting Aid ball from the interspatial pouch. But just when she wanted to pass it to Xing Yun, she suddenly realized that it was the wrong one — there was a big chunk missing; obviously, she had already taken a bite out of it.

Xing Ya's caring words interrupted Xing Yun's thought, "No need, I'm not too hungry now... Speaking of which three years have passed, has martial uncle Yun Xia come back?"

"She is already back and currently discussing matters with the other martial uncles in the side hall. By the way, martial uncle Yun Xia came to see the junior sister before, but after she found that the junior sister was in closed-door training, she walked away with a sad face. Before she left, she said something like, 'Without Xing Yun Power, this old woman is going to die.’ I don’t really understand..."


"So Junior Sister, what kind of power is Xing Yun power? Can you let me see it? It sounds very amazing, after all, it can make the martial uncle crave it so much."


After thinking about it, Xing Yun thought it was better to skip this topic.

He really didn't know how to explain that the so-called "Xing Yun Power" was essentially the "Trap Power"...

Speak of which, the female rascal finally didn't plan to hide her weird obsession?

"When the martial uncle came, did she say why she was looking for me?"

"Hmmm... She didn't seem to say anything else apart from wanting to replenish Xing Yun Power, so what is that mysterious thing?"

"It's nothing, the martial uncle just routinely lost her mind..."

"Oh, yeah, the martial uncle indeed looked a bit strange. Ah, I forgot to ask, why does the junior sister ask about the martial uncle? Is it something important?"

Looking at the senior sister who took the initiative to protect her, Xing Yun smiled and shook her head.

"No, to reward Senior Sister for the hard work, I plan to treat Senior Sister to a meal in the canteen."

"Huh? You said you weren’t hungry just now, but okay. Chef Gu is still on duty today. Junior sister, I told you that Chef Gu’s potatoes are amazing! I can eat a big pot every time!"

Xing Yun, who had just taken a step, was almost frightened by the word "pot", and his Tao Heart was almost shaken by it.

He glanced at this senior sister's belly in shock, and even after a long time, he still couldn't find suitable words that he could use to describe her.

With Xing Ya's flying cloud, they arrived in the canteen. And like the last time, it didn't take long before the canteen was filled with people.

Although Xing Yun's body size has shrunk after he officially stepped on the path of cultivation, his temperament has changed dramatically in the eyes of others. Even just sitting there waiting for Xing Ya to order a meal, his body still exuded an ethereal feeling of a celestial being. 

In short, everyone thought that he was even more attractive.

Of course, the reason why he was more attractive was because of the change in his temperament. Originally, he was only a mortal girl in the eyes of the cultivators. Now that he had become the "same kind", of course, of course, his temperament would also be raised to another level.

Vaguely, some people began to call their little Little Martial Granduncle "Fairy Xing Yun".

Since it was part of the agreement, Xing Yun had no choice to silently accept the title, but he was a cultivator, after all, so he didn't intentionally make himself look more like a girl like Fairy Yun Xia had asked him to do.

No, no matter what the agreement was, he still couldn't stand the embarrassment.

The food was then served on the table, and without any surprises, the Du Teng brother emerged from the crowd.

Chapter 18 Suddenly QI Refining Stage

Unlike last time, at the same time Du Teng appeared, there were also several other people with "important status".

Just like the young man who blocked Du Teng's way to prevent him from harassing Xing Ya.

"Senior Brother Du Teng, Martial Uncle Xing Ya is having a meal. It's not a gentleman's behavior to disturb others at this time."

The young man's white clothes made his celestial being's temperament even more ethereal.

"This is the first disciple of Misty Peak. His name is Li ChangGe. He's... Huh? broken the crystal-formed energy and transformed into a void. He is indeed the genius disciple of the century regarded by the misty peak."

"Break the crystal-formed energy and transform into a void...?"

"It's the Void Core Stage. As long as one has accumulated enough, or if one encountered some fortuitous event or gained accidental insights, one could basically start to charge into the stage of the Destiny Golden Core. It is super powerful."

Xing Yun nodded and silently remembered the person's information.

Xing Ya's good temper and easy-going personality and cute and clumsy character made her have a lot of suitors in the sect. Although some people were interested in her status, more of them still liked her.

Li ChangGe was one of them.

"Junior Brother ChangGe, you misunderstood me."


"Of course, I want to say hello to Senior Sister Xingya, but..." With a soft smile, when the folding fan broke away, the unrestrained temperament caused the disciples to look at him frequently, "with all due respect, Junior Brother ChangGe, you didn't seem to pay enough attention to the little junior girl sitting next to her."

This remark seemed somewhat provocative.

However, Xing Yun didn't care about these. In his mind, no matter how high his status was, it didn't hold much value. After all, cultivators compared with each other based on how powerful they were.

So before he could whoop those people's asses altogether, he didn't intend to offend anyone excessively and cause unnecessary trouble.

——What if the person he provoked was a spy? If he couldn't complete the given task, the hooligan fairy would find ways to make him suffer.

Only after Du Teng said this did Li ChangGe realize the existence of the other Martial Granduncle. Actually, he had known that there was such a little martial uncle a long time ago, but he had been obsessed with cultivation and didn't care too much about these common trivial matters.

Just as he was embarrassed, the chief disciple of the other mountain appeared from the crowd.

This was a cold young woman. If Li ChangGe was synonymous with ethereal and Du Teng was the crescent moon guarded by the stars, then this woman felt like a pool of calm water.

Others may just felt that she was an ice cold beauty, but Xing Yun felt a dead silence vibe from her.

She passed through the crowd and sat there quietly, tasting the food on the plate alone, lonely, and refused all contact with others.

As if suddenly aware of Xing Yun's concealed gaze, the woman turned her head and glanced at him, and then continued to eat the dishes on her plate.

There was no feeling of being stared at by certain horror beings, and it was just a simple gaze, nothing special.

And Xing Yun also only saw the emptiness in her eyes that was enough to confirm his thoughts.

'This elder sister probably has some dark history...'

"She is the chief disciple of the Formless Peak, and her name is Leng YueYao. Because the cultivation method is quite special, all the people of the Formless Peak are like this. You don't need to think too much about it, Junior Sister."

“……? ?”

'God Damnit, so in the end, it is just the problem with their cultivation method, and I was just thinking too much! ?'

As... As expected of Shang Qing Sect.

The appearance of the Formless Peak's chief disciple naturally caused a lot of commotion. This mountain was located in an illusory realm in the little world of the Shang Qing Sect. People really saw the normal disciples of the Formless Peak leaving the peak, let alone Leng YueYao was a chief disciple. They usually appeared only when major events such as big and small inner sect competitions, the sect missions, and the disciple trials happened. In terms of ordinary times? They were even more rarely seen than the Supreme Elders. 

Her appearance temporarily interrupted the "confrontation" between Du Teng and Li ChangGe, but soon after the commotion subsided, Du Teng began to plan to approach the two Martial Granduncles.

"Senior Brother, this is not good."

Li ChangGe was still firmly acting as a guardian.

What was slightly surprising was that Du Teng, the arrogant young master who seemed to be domineering, did not get angry about this like other young masters would; he even gave in.

"Since the junior brother insists, then I will give the junior brother this face."

Two delicate wooden boxes were taken out of the interspatial pouch and placed on the dining table beside them.

"Senior Sister Xing Ya, Junior Sister Xing Yun, this is the gift for the reunion after three years, and I hope you will accept it."

After speaking, he politely nodded at Li ChangGe, turned, and left the canteen.

Hot-headed young masters were not scary; what was scarier was the young master had high bi-attributes of scheming and cunning.

Seeing this, Xing Yun silently updated the information of Du Teng and Li ChangGe in his mind.

Since Du Teng gave Li ChangGe such a face, the latter would naturally not be so insensible. After all, they were the disciples of the same sect, if he caused them to have a strained relationship, it was equivalent to breaking the sect rules.

So he forwarded the two small boxes to the two of them, glanced at the Xing Yun lightly, and left after making the fist-and-palm salute.

"Wow, Senior Sister, I didn't expect that you are such a popular hottie."

"Huh? What is a hottie?" While chewing, Xing Ya said clearly, "Ah, junior sister, try this, it's super chewy, and this potato, it's yummy!"


As usual, it was Xing Ya who paid for the meal. After all, Xing Yun currently had no money.

After the meal, as usual, a group of people gathered around to seek advice, but today their Martial Granduncles did not seem to want to give advice to anyone.

"After eating fill, it makes you want to sleep..."

Mhm, this was the reason why Xing Yun wanted to pull Xing Ya away.

Of course, Xing Ya didn't forget what she needed to do. While she was dozing off, she sent Xing Yun to the front yard of the side hall where Xing Yun had been once.

As soon as the cloud landed, this senior sister began to snore slightly.

At that time, Xing Yun almost thought that this senior sister was the reincarnation of Snorlax.

After settling down this senior sister, Xing Yun suddenly discovered that the door of the Side Hall was a bit different from the last time he saw it. After careful observation, he realized where the difference was— Four new painted areas appeared on the four corners of the door; one of them was obviously painted on a patch. In terms of the other three... probably served as confusion to prevent others from seeing it.

From this, Xing Yun could tell that senior brother Xing He was also a thrifty person; most people probably would not do something like this.

Not knowing when the closed door would open, so Xing Yun sat on the ground, practicing his cultivation on the spot.

Saying that he was practicing cultivation, in fact, it was the process of controlling that large area of cyclones to speed up the absorption of heaven and earth spiritual energy and then fuse the excess heaven and earth spiritual energy with the blood created by himself into a new cyclone.

It was written like this in the book. Although a little worried, Xing Yun gritted his teeth and started practicing.

So in just a moment, a spiritual energy vortex appeared on top of his head.

All the spiritual energy around was sucked in by the vortex and then infused into Xing Yun's Elixir Field after circling for a while.

The elders who were discussing in the side hall suddenly noticed the abnormal spiritual energy movement that occurred outside the hall, and they rushed out of the hall. What caught their eyes was that Old Seven running to Xing Yun like an arrow flying out from the string...

"Awww~ your sister, I miss you so much. Quick, let your sister, I give you a big kissssssssssssssssssssss!"

It was the scene of her flying backward.

The hooligan fairy intended to hold Xing Yun in her arms, but just as she roared, the moment she touched Xing Yun, she was struck by a whirlpool condensed by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and sent flying.




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