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This was something suggested by Endmark Games on my other post earlier this week, to share more about the process and development of PokeyPoke in perhaps a looser and simpler manner than I have done before (where I've done in-depth, edited videos about particular features). While I can still cover interesting technical details and implementations, I think this new approach is a great idea because I can put out lots of interesting stuff quickly, and the minimal-work approach to creating it allows me to create a bit more breathing room in between complex tutorial content. And with output goals as ridiculous as my own, breathing room is the highest value thing I can get right now!

Hope you enjoy this! The first episode is really just a bit of a primer on the game and its general design, and doesn't touch much on the GameMaker side of things which I'd like to get into in future episodes. Please let me know if there's anything you'd like to know about the game whether it's the design or its implementation and I'll try and tackle it in future devlogs! I could talk about the game for hours so I really hope I can get some good meaty content out of this idea. =)

Going to release this one today and live stream some kind of GameMaker stuff tomorrow, maybe more work on the game, maybe other stuff. Normally I'd release the video *and* stream on a Friday but I want to see how separating out video releases and live-streams affects things.



PokeyPoke DEVLOG #1 - Game fundamentals & early level design

I've used the term "devlog" before for other kinds of video, but this is the first of a new format where I just talk more loosely about my games and GameMaker projects with no editing, while playing and showing it off a bit. There's a lot to catch people up on about the game so I'm gonna start with just going over the game as it is and how it got to where it is, and later get into the nitty gritty of what's going on now and maybe more technical elements and GameMaker specific stuff. ▶ PokeyPoke on steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1083230/PokeyPoke/ ▶ Support my work: https://www.patreon.com/shaunjs


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