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Hello! Given it's been a little while since my last video came out I thought y'all were due a small update!

I'll come back around to adding a bit more the inventory mini-series I've started but I don't want to over do my focus on it due to the increasingly specialised nature of the content even though I know it will be very valuable to a few. There's a tightrope to walk between creating helpful content for lots of people and creating *very* helpful content for very few people. I definitely understand that the latter has value and a place though, and its through Patreon that it can come to exist in the first place so I do strive for a balance rather than a priority. A big part of my brain also invariably wants to keep correcting for the highly specialised fifty-part series we just recently brought to a close. So I hope it makes sense that these particular Inventory focused videos get a little bit spread apart.

That's left me a little bit undecided as to my next video as there's such a wide array of possible topics and that indecisiveness and probably just a bit of general fatigue has left me a bit paralyzed. In recognizing that I've been taking a few days off here and there and haven't been writing scripts, editing, etc short of the quick piece I made recently for Ludum Dare 49.

I'm going to try and put together another short video on something quick and helpful this week. Perhaps the change to allow default arguments in 2.3 functions. Next week I actually want to try and just focus on my game, PokeyPoke. This will likely mean a few extra livestreams on twitch or maybe even some on YouTube during the week. After that, I'd like my next video to be something derived from PokeyPoke. Maybe the shadows as I think some people were disappointed that my last "tutorial" for lighting focused on using a third party solution (which I generally still recommend) and now I have some insight into building that kind of thing yourself which can be a good idea if your needs are very limited, narrow and specialised.

After that is anyone's guess but I'l likely continue revitalizing some of my older content as I have done with the recent state machines video. Perhaps taking a stab at another variant of "first game" style content as I believe that while a lot of that stuff is out there, the more varieties of it that exist the more people have a route into development that will work for them. We'll see how I feel when we get there.

As always let me know your thoughts and how you feel about the direction of my work and what sorts of things you'd like to see! I genuinely feel like my recent tutorial work has been some of my best but there are negatives to the new "style" I've been using too and I'm always thinking about what works best where.

Thank you as always, for your support of the work I do.




I've actually been really looking forward to PokeyPoke, so I'm glad you mentioned it and that's still getting attention. Keep up the good work! Your vast array of tutorials are still very helpful, and I still recommend them to anyone I meet fresh into GML. Cheers!


It may seem trivial to some, a tutorial on connecting sprites with multiple actions i.e. firing from floating arms, tentacles, flying objects from enemies that track players and such would be beneficial to creators. Again, It may seem minor but the mechanics to work together is something I see often on reddit posts, forums, and yoyo community piecing together can be a bit of a thought twister.